School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Reading And Routines
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone. I am going back to teaching after being off on maternity leave. I feel quite nervous and want to make some changes but don't quite know what to do. I just wanted to ask a couple of things really to see what others do as i feel rather out of touch at the mo. I have a mixed Year R/1 class. 1: When and how often do people hear individual readers? - i really struggle to fit everything in 2: What does your day look like?? If you have a mixed class, how do you manage to let the Year R children have free flow and still cover everthing the Year 1 children need to. At the moment I feel my class is far to structured and rigid with hardly any choice for child …
Position Statements
by Guest- 4 replies
Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday! I am sure lots of you are now ploughing through your to do lists, as I am. Can anyone explain what information they put in their position statements? Thanks in advance for your replies XXX
Use Of Learning Platform
by Guest- 6 replies
I was wondering what has happened in schools about using Learning Platforms with children in Reception and Year 1. We are going to be introducing ours in September and wondered how it had gone with the children. The authority has purchased Education City so there is some decent content on there but generally it is not really child friendly for young children.
Alternatives To Joining A Union
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello! Just thinking about the iminent start of term and Union membership. Previously I have belonged to unions (NUT & NASUWT) have never used them but got a plethora of calendars, diaries etc which go to waste as I always buy my own/have it provided! There have been in the past 'letters' that have gone from the local branch secretary saying that local members disagree with an issue when I didn't nor was given an opportunity to express my view for that letter! Personally I begrudge 'having' to belong to one just in case (they aren't really in my personal politics either) and having spoken to some colleagues that if situations arise, the local LEA tends to use th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 12 replies
Hi, I'm new the forum! I have spent all afternoon looking through different posts and its so nice to have found somewhere like this! I've just completed my NQT year in reception, we had 45 children in the setting and I was team teaching with an experienced teacher who very structured in her approach - in fact it horrified me! I tackfully raised question with this and gradually throughout the year introduced changes. From september we just have 1 intake of 30 children and I am doing it on my own (yay!!) However, no one in my school shares an understanding of EYFS and although my head has great confidence in me I have a few questions I am hoping someone can help wi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25084, -
Responses In Assemblies
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi, Firstly, please move this to a better location, as unsure where to post. I am now in charge of Collective Worship at my school - and thinking back to things previous schools have done, before the RE inspectors came in - we used to have a response at the beginning or end of assembly. Something along the lines of the teacher saying... peace be with you, and the children responding... and also with you. now I know this is the proper peace that is said in church - and wanted something a bit different. Does anyone have any suggestions of something we could use (prefereably as non-God as possible - for a church school, the staff are athetists, and feel it hypocriti…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Snack Time
by Guest- 19 replies
Hi everyone, Only 8 teaching days left until the holdidays!! But with the holidays looming, I have already started thinking about changes to make for next year! I have heard that the Big O are interested in seeing how snack time is organised in year R and was wondering how you all do it? I use the time as a speaking and listening activity. All children sit on the caret in a circle and the fruit and milk is given out. The children love counting the milk cartons in 2's. The children then sit and chat to the friend they are sitting next to. This can seem chaotic and unfocussed How do you all do it? Table / carpets, whole class / small group, do you h…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
- 5 replies
Hi, when I started in my class last year the previous teacher had left several educational videos for me to use, like Numbertime and early years topic videos. The children loved them and learnt a lot from them. Unfortunately, they are quite old now and the video player is on its last legs too! I was wondering whether anyone knew of and could suggest some useful, child friendly dvds they use in class or have heard about. That way I can play them via the interactive whiteboard, rather than asking for a new video player! Thank.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Hello Or Welcome Song?
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi, just joined and already asking questions (sorry ) but im moving back to with the lovely littlies in Reception after 4 years in KS1 and want to do a hello or welcome song each morning to start the term. Do any of you do this and would you mind sharing? Thank you
Psrn Observation Help
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, Well it's that time of the term again when we are all being observed in Maths. I have a Reception class of 30 children and have the maths co-ordinator and Head teacher coming to visit me on Tuesday and they want to see how I am challenging the Most able group of children in maths. It can be on any area and its a 30 minute observation. That can be an input and an activity or just an activity time with a couple of groups. We are thinking about the story of Jasper's Beanstalk this week and our writing focus is to make our own book about growing a plant. We have also been thinking about animals and insects recently. But feeling totally blank about PSRN ideas as we hav…