School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hi Everyone.. 9 days left of term and counting! My children are really beginning to feel it now - would anyone like to share what they're doing over the last week (as well as class parties!) We don't break up until the 23rd so i've still got one solid week left to plan for! I'm trying to do some fun activities but now i've sat down to plan my week inspiration has left me! We've been out of the classroom so much with sports day, trips to the seaside and a class assembly i've got no obs toi go from ! I'm thinking about having our class party around a pirate theme but this isn't until the last day of term, hmm maybe making treasure maps... Anyone?!! Thanks in …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9574, -
- 15 replies
Hi Can you tell me what does everyone give the children for rewards. We have started giving stickers before the children go home for good sitting etc, but we found that some of the children have not behaved very well all morning so we are giving them a reward. We thought about giving something during the morning instead for good tidying or good behaviour. What do you think. We need to come up with something new. We also thought of a sticker chart but can we do that. Dorinda
Outdoor Learning
by Guest- 3 replies
I am thinking of doing this for my dissertation I know it is only July but I wanted to start thinking about it now. what I would like to ask is if I am allowed to post questionairres on the forum and if so would anyone be prepared to give them to parents in your settings please, to give an overview countrywide. I would apprecite any help thank you in anticipation. regards killowengirl
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23722, -
Key Stage 1 Leader
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, Im not sure that I have put this post in the correct place! I have been working as a Key Stage One Leader covering for a maturnity cover for the previous two terms! Now the lady whose job is it has decided that she does not want it- with a new born baby and all that- sooo the head and smt have decided to advertise internally for this job. I applied and have got an interview BUT i am sooo nervous and am rubbish at interviews... Im now not sleeping because i keep thinking about what they might ask me.... Does anyone know what questions they might ask me? Or had an experience of this- the interview is not until Tues pm but am panicking and panicking!!!! Thank…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Cloakroom- Inside The Classroom Or Not?
by Guest heleng- 6 replies
OK, quick outline. As part of the Suffolk Schools organisation review our school will be expanding to take years 5 and 6 and also moving from 1 form entry to 2 form entry!! This means we are having a new school built to accomodate us and we are able to have some input into the plans. Our head asked us do we want cloakrooms in or out of the classroom? Currently Reception have their cloakroom outside the room and they collect coats and PE bags etc as they move in and out. Nursey (who share our class space and hopefully will continue to do so) have two wheely sets of pegs that are moved in and out of the classroom every day and they are put infront of the Reception p…
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi Do any foundation stage coordinators get additional payments for their role? I have been offered the position (which I gladly accepted) but no mention of pay increase? I would like to discuss with my head and go in armed with what is the norm in UK schools. I will co-ordinate 2 nursery and 2 reception classes - which will be 3 other teachers and 9 support staff. I am also whole-school Learning Support co-ordinator (Nursery - Year 8 currently) and don't get additional payment for this. I am on U.K. teacher's pay scale. Anyone from UK state and independent sector or overseas who can advise me? Thanks Louise.
Self Portrait Ideas
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone, In preparation for September, the children have to create a self portrait of themselves to go on display in their new classrooms. Does anyone have any exciting/creative ways of doing this rather than just using paint, oil pastels etc.? I am totally stuck!!! Tinky x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Entry Arrangements For Reception/f1
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi As we've got a much larger class than usual starting in September (lots of appeal entries!), we've decided to stagger entry over the first few weeks. So - the oldest half of the class start doing mornings only and the younger half do afternoons only (this is a shorter session). Over the course of two weeks the older children begin to do full days and the younger switch to mornings and by the beginning of the third week they're all full time. We thought this would be a much better way to get to know the children and stop them being overwhelmed and that it would allow us more time to discuss any concerns or issues with parents. however all we seem to have is par…
Reception Ratios Trips
by Guest Greenhouse- 6 replies
Hi there, You wonderful people! I am still at a loss for this one..... What is the child/adult ration for offsite trips? For Reception/FS2 and Nursery/FS1 Is there a definitive answer?
- 2 replies
Hello All Hope you are all well! I'm interested to find out how people organise their reception class, daily routine, class room, admin etc....... does anyone do anything a little out of the ordinary? Especially during the fist few weeks of the new September term? (any good settling in advice) I'm new to reception next year & am looking for a little advice I know it's a broad topic but any little bits of info that I could use would be fab. We are having a lot of building work done over the holidays so it seemed like the perfect time to have a fresh start. Thanks in advance Nicky