School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
hello! i need to find the derbyshire Evolve risk assessment site, does anyone know the address? it doesn't come up when you google it. really hope someone can help. Thanks
by Guest- 5 replies
I have recently been offered a job as foundation teacher in another school, i am a nqt and although i really enjoy working at the school I am at I am only on a 0.5 contract, I do however get quite a lot of supply in the afternoons in other classes etc. My problem is when I announced it today (first day back after hols) the other teacher who I work alongside told me that she has secretly been thinking about taking more of a backseat and going part-time! I am totally confused now due to this revelation, my NQT year is dragging on and on by being part-time and by leaving this would mean my NQT year would be completed on a much quicker basis etc... Part of me is thinking that…
- 8 replies
Hi all, I hope everyone is enjoying this great weather and managing to get outdoors more. I am wondering if anyone has a parents information booklet (electronic version) for Reception starters that I could use as a starting point to ammend for my meeting this week. Also I have sports day coming up (Just for Nursery) does anyone have any ideas or suggestions I could use that have worked well for you in the past. Thanks all
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13754, -
Leaflet For Parents
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all, Before I make one myself, I wondered if any of you superstars out there had a leaflet which explained what parents could do at home to support the 6 areas of learning? We would like to hand it out to the parents of our new starters so they have something to work on over the summer. Hope you can help, Tinky PS I have spotted the recent thread which links to the powerpoint but was really looking for a leaflet.
Experienced Teachers Pay
by Guest- 7 replies
Having taught for a good number of years in state primary schools, i find myself for several reasons doing supply teaching.I am finding it difficult to find a full time teaching job.I think this could be that i am very expensive for a class teacher.A school i do a fair bit of supply in said a while ago they would like to keep me if they could afford to.After closely studying their budget they said they could not afford me and would have to go for a cheaper teacher.Is it possible to negotiate my salary down a bit or would this not allowed by the local authority?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Parents Meeting
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, This time last year I was busy planning a meeting to tell new parents all about EYFS and the exciting learning that their children would be involved in when in our Reception class. I downloaded a fantastic powerpoint which I printed out as slides and had up around the room. They had simple notes about each curriculum area as well as examples of activities and they had children's images on them but not real children. I have just done a forum search but can't find them and I would really like to use them as a basis again this year. If you can help or have your own powerpoint I could look at I would really appreciate it. Thanks Nicky Sussex
Problem Solving
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi all year been collecting problem solving observations a problem solving lesson linked to each area of numeracy I just feel some has not quite got it and really need some help with addition and subtraction lessons/group ideas. Also a really focussed lesson ojective what am i getting the children to learn? inside/outside ideas anyone?
- 8 replies
Have put this in the Nursery section and had no replies (sob!) Was wondering if anyone had a good system for recording progress in Phase 1 of L&S - am about to embark on creating one but thought a marvellous person out there would probably have already devised something - thanks!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 14 replies
Having worked in a LA for a wee while now with all my lovely schools I can see many things that have changed this year for the better as a result of EYFS coming into force, but also things that are still difficult to implement because of the nature of a school's organisation, especially those with single class, 30 children, 1 teacher EYFS settings! So my question is: What has EYFS helped you achieve with your setting that you struggled to get on the agenda previously and what is your biggest achievement with it this year? I have seen an overwhelming increase in SMTs wanting to know about EYFS and a fabulous growth of dedicated outside areas with shelter! C…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 1 reply
We are trying to develop Continuous Provision in Y1 and would love people's ideas on how they run there's and how they plan for it. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485,