School Curriculum and General issues
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New Parents Meetings
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all just trying to put together a new powerpoint to show to my new parents for next year. I have a few things i've put in but wanted to see what anyone else does or if anyone has any suggestions. I would really appreciate any help as nearly 7 months pregnant now and a bit dizzy!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23722, -
Balanced Curriculum
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi there Does anyone know off hand - the requirements for teaching Shared reading and writing and PSRN. I have been scanning the EYFS documents but can't seem to find it. At the moment I feel I am doing too much CLL and PSRN and not enough Creative and KUW, so am hoping to be able to make some cuts and not do CLL and PSRN every day. Thanks XXX
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I hope everyone is enjoying this great weather and managing to get outdoors more. I am wondering if anyone has a parents information booklet (electronic version) for Reception starters that I could use as a starting point to ammend for my meeting next week. Also I have sports day coming up (Just for Nursery) does anyone have any ideas or suggestions I could use that have worked well for you in the past. Thanks all
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13754, -
- 9 replies
I'm quite happy with the way I do guided writing, children seem to be learning lots, enjoying writing and seeing themselves as writers, but another teacher seemed surprised today about how I do it, so I just wanted to check with all youl ovely people that i'm not unknowingly doing something ridiculous, too formal and KS1ish? We do lots of different writing, have lots of opportunities for writing in all areas of the classroom, children choose to write in their play etc, this happens in all different sized groups, obviously. My guided writing, though, when I am actually doing direct, focus teaching of differentiated skills (eg finger spaces, initial sounds, spelling HFW…
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi hope everyone is still enjoying the lovely sunshine we have been having. My class - bless them, have suddenly become very interested in teeth - a few children have begun to loose their baby teeth and they are all very interested. We decided today that thats where we would like to go with our learning next week and I havent a clue where to start really - does anyone have any bright ideas they could share as i don't want to let them down. Thanks Ems
Ct Interview
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi all, a friend has asked my advice on what to do for a reception teacher interview on the senses. She has decided to focus on touch and smell. It is for 15 mins with 8 children. Has anyone got any fantastic ideas that doesn't involve a feely bag? She has a few ideas but is feeling a bit stuck. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
Numeracy And Literacy
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, This year has been like a trial and error experience for me as I am new in Reception and I was trying to get my head around the EYFS. Next year we are very likely to be inspected so I am trying to evaluate my planning all the time to make sure it is correct. I do feel like I am still unsure of a couple of things, like, the numeracy and literacy objectives for Reception- with the EYFS in place do we still follow the objectives from the standards site or not? It is just that with the early learning goals, the scale points and everything else I just want to ensure I am right in what I am doing! Please can someone reassure me with the literacy and numeracy plans,…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Role Play Again......
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all Can anyone help with some really creative role play ideas for the topic of 'oursleves'? Wanting to think of something a bit different to the usual doctors, hospital, opticians type thing? Thanks everyone, Tinky
- 7 replies
If the Development Matter statements from 40-60+ correspond to the previous green stepping stones, I understand that the ELG are mainly the same as the previous ones which were coloured grey. Right? If so, then the ELG correspond to children older than 60 months old/5 year olds in Reception or will become 5 in Reception in a school that only has one intake in September? Oh, I hope I am not confusing you or it is that I am so tired that I cannot think anymore
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Help With Tasc Day!
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all, I am having to plan for a TASC day at school with parents coming in to observe/join in!! I am stuck for ideas and how to approach this with 30 reception children. Does anyone have any great ideas or have done something similar they could give advice? Hope this makes sense. Many Thanks