School Curriculum and General issues
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- 5 replies
Hi guys I have just started my final teaching placement on my teacher training course and am teaching phonics each day. I have no experience of phonics and have not observed much in the FS unit that I am currently based in. I am after some ideas- I have been asked to revise all of the sounds (we use Jolly Phonics) and so need fun things for the children to do. Today I started off with an IWB activity whereby the children thought of objects that began with the sound and then discussed them with a neighbour and revealed the ones that I had thought of on the IWB to see if their ideas were on there. They loved it and sat on the carpet for much longer than they usua…
Air Topic
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi all, I've only recently discovered this site and already it's become such a valuable planning tool - Thank you! I've taken over our Reception Class this year and have spent most of the year developing the Long term and Medium term planning as it was seemingly non existent before now (previous teacher got married part way through last year and planning diminished!) So, I've got two topics this half term: Under the Sea for the first four weeks, followed by three weeks of Air topic work. Under the Sea I've found lots of lovely ideas and have been able to get planning done. Air I'm finding a little more challenging, so any ideas would be very welcome please!! Th…
Under The Sea Lesson Plan
by Guest- 14 replies
hi ya everyone, just wondered if anyone could help i am being observed on my topic of under the sea next week and wondered if anyone had any great ideas. it is for a recepion class of 23 and i can do it on any area of learning. i always do literacy though so wouldnt mind a change. for my last observation i got an outstanding by the school sip so want it to be another fantastic lesson. so that is why i have come here to ask as i have no ideas- i am 20 weeks pregnant and think i have pregnancy brain. lol any ideas would be greatly ppreciated- i would love to do something maybe in the water tray orr outside but cant think of any x x x x
Assembly, Please Help!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi everyone, hope you've enjoyed the half term break if you had one! I am doing a whole school assembly soon and am dreading it as usual! The topic will be 'sticking together'. Just wondering if anyone had any good ideas for this, especially a story I could read? I would like to read a story if possible because when I do other stuff I just forget what to say and stutter alot! Thanksx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 16 replies
After reading about 'PALS' in this week's issue of Nursery World, I have done a little research and am really interested in taking this forward in my setting. The only problem is it costs £200 for the pack, I can't afford to buy it out of my own money, and have prioritised outdoor provision, for fundraising this year. Does anyone have any experiences of using this programme - positive or negative. What does it entail ? How is each session planned? Thanks all, for your help x
Creating Minibeast Garden
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi there everyone Hope everyone is enjoying the sun! I am sat in the garden contemplating how to create a minibeast garden, have some ideas but thought you might have more? I am thinking about using an empty water tray and adding some soil, turf, stones, bark chipping, twigs, plants, real and plastic minibeasts Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated XXX
- 4 replies
Any quick, effective mask making techniques for alien masks please? Had intended to use papier mache on balloons but it is taking my colleague so long, I'd really like to try something different. Year one children! Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, With my Early Years Governor hat on I need information for constructing an Early Years policy. Any ideas where to look for an example? thanks
Problem Solving Activity Ideas
by Guest- 25 replies
Hi everyone, I am trying to enhance my continuous provision areas and would like to incorporate problem solving into our number area. The space I have is very small (the size of half a table) and our current topic is dinosaurs. The children are really engaged with dinosaurs so would like to link it to this if possible! I hope you can help as my mind has gone very blank!! Tinky
Whole School Assembly
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi everyone. I've been trying to enjoy the holidays but all I keep thinking about is the whole school assembly I have to do when we go back. I am geting myself in a big panic as I have never done this before. Right now I'd like to run and hide away and not go in that day. I so scared especially as we are quite a big primary school. I teach reception and I am an NQT so this is like a major big deal for me. Coupled with that my school have word of the week which often the assembly is based on. Trouble is the word will be 'Liason'! Any good ideas on what on earth I can do? My mind is just a big blank.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23722,