School Curriculum and General issues
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Dear Zoo
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi want to do the story "dear zoo" next week has anyone got any tried and tested activities that have worked well with this story - for any of the 6 areas(!!) Thanks ems
Castle Songs
by Guest- 0 replies
Please can you direct me to the castle songs entry i'm sure it was on here. Help please
Problem Solving Carpet Intro
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi I'm doing problem solving next week and I have managed to come up with all my group activities bit I am struggling with the carpet introduction sessions. Wondered if anyone had any inspiration? Last term I did the teddy bears picnic, have we got enough plates etc so i don't want to use that again. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I think my brain issuffe ring from its nearly half term blackout!
Parent Workshops
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi there Im trying to offer parent workshops in our setting working with our Parent Support Advisor. Does any one ask parents what they want to come to or just organise them and invite them. I was thinking of giving them a questionnaire as to which one would benefit them most. Like Phonic sessions Play sessions Storytelling sessions Can anyone think of any more? Sam
Ideas For Interview Question Please
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, I too have got an interview next week and have been qiven the first subject, on which they would like me to talk for roughly five mins on. I have got some ideas but thought you might be able to help, i think i'm at that place when you have been thinking about somethong for too long and get mind block!!!! Here is the subject any idea's would be very gratefully recieved. Thank you. The subject for speaking is ' idea's and experiences regarding quality education for children in the Foundation Stage.' thanks again
- 4 replies
This year we have been able to give our 2 reception classes free access to outdoor play for most of the day- this they love and many a time the classroom has been nearly empty!! however our area is large and the problem is that if only one adult is out then it's impossible to do a focussed activity. Part of the reason is that the area is a rather strange shape so some areas are to some extent out of sight and we feel therefore there the adult needs to be supporting play plus keeping an eye on things. We have managed to increase the adults in the afternoon to 2 but in the morning there tends to be one adult outside as the other adult is inside doing an activty such as gui…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
Organising Small Groups
by Guest florrie- 1 reply
Hi, apologies if this has been asked before, but couldnt find in any forum posts. We are currently undertaking a mass shakeup of 2 form entry reception to incorporate continuous provision more effectively. However as we are considering the logistics for 60 pupils wondered how other people manage the area's (construction, small world etc) do we use bands?, do we use laminated pictures to each area that is hung outside the area to show full, do we give each child their own picture to take around with them, so that if there is space on a chart to stick it they can go in? issues have been raised concerning things like what if pupils go to bathroom with a band on - spreading g…
Presentation For An Interview
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi All I have been invited for an interview next Tuesday. The post is working as a Children's Centre teacher across a few settings. I have been told that I will have 30 minutes to organise a 10 min presentation on as yet an unseen topic. Scary!!! Has anyone had to do this? Does anyone have any "Top Tips" they could share please. Apparently I will be given flip chart paper and felt tip pens. Thank you - all you clever people ouy there.
Dinosaur Role Play Area
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Just wondered whether anyone had created a role play area linked to the theme 'dinosaurs'. Our children are showing a keen interest in this and would like to work with them to create a role play area. Any ideas would be fab! Tinky
- 2 replies
We have a couple of boys that are really interested in Indianna Jones. I wonder if anyone has any ideas of activities - role play etc. Over the weekend I'm going to laminate pictures to do with Ind Jones and hide them in the sand - they can count how many they find, etc. Counting and recognising numbers is something we want to do with these boys and I am sure that using this topic they will be very interested. Has anyone any ideas please? Sue J