School Curriculum and General issues
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Choose Time
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi, I was wondering if reception teachers have choose time each day. In this I mean a time when adults do no focus activities and the children can basically all do what they want. We are trying to persuade our school timetable but are being told we have to have this time. I obviosly want children doing child intiated play but surely if they are in the areas in the classroom this is child initiated play. Just want to know if I am right or wrong.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9844, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
We've been looking at our local (urban )area in my reception class, and then had a look at a rural area - the children couldn't believe that there could be so much grass and asked me how I had managed to get pictures of such a strange place. Now I'd like to show them picutres of somewhere outside the UK. I was thinking of Nigeria, as some of our children are from there, but I don't just want to google pictures as it seems rather false. Does anyone know of any websites about children and where they live that are aimed at reception type age?
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 8 replies
This coming week I am interviewing for a T/A to join our 4+ after easter. My head is going to ask all the general questions but wants me to come up with EYFS specific questions and those realting to my classroom. The major 2 for me are; 1. Their thoughts and feelings about being a key person for a group of children and being responsible for their learning journeys. 2. Their confidence with leading a phonics group. 3. Attitude to outdoor play. What would you ask? I don't want to miss something vital.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9574, -
by Guest- 0 replies
Ok, next week am doing the Gingerbread man and am going to make gingerbread men with children at group time using compare bear recipie found on here. Anyone got any great ideas for a whole class introduction to this activity - want to recap on weighing - have done it in the past but have a few new children and want to reinforce vocab etc. but dont want to repeat the group activity if you see what i mean. Any ideas?
Refusing Glasses
by Guest- 7 replies
Hiya I have a little boy in my glass with learning difficulties and behavioural problems who also has a fairly severe visual impairment and needs his glasses for both distance and close work. All these things are obviously linking together as he gets more and more frustrated, but we are banging our heads against a brick wall trying to encourage him to wear his glasses. I've never known a child so young refuse glasses before. So far we've tried: sticker charts and lots of praise for short spells of wearing them, (by short I'm talking 2 mins maximum before he throws them across the room). Maximising his learning through other senses - he loves getting all gooey, and enjo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 17 replies
Hi Apologies if this has been asked before - Is it a legal requirement for children to attend a daily worship? If so - for how long? at what age? Cheers Chris
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
by Guest- 9 replies
Can someone tell me; is it indicated how much evidence we need to have for moderation, and, although we were originally told that our LA was concentrating on Sounds and Letters linked to Writing, CD and our work with parents we are now told they will be looking at all areas. Obviously, as our school focus this year is on Literacy, we have much more evidence on that than on some other areas eg KUW - and we are all panicking! Any words of wisdom, please?
Changing Interests!
by Guest- 12 replies
Having spent the last part of last week and the weekend planning for 'super heroes' topic as this was where children's interests lay...all was going really well and chn were getting alot out of it when one boy got the traffic cones (that had been the 'baddie jail') and arranged them in a line and announced he was digging up the road 'cos there was a broken pipe!! He asked for the builder's hats. put on a yellow jacket and started to 'dig' up the road-it wasn't long before he had about 10 other chn joining in-clip boards/measuring tapes/wooden bricks to build with etc. So now.. Super heroes are OUT and builders are IN !!! Do they not know how long it takes to plan these th…
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm being observed first thing Monday morning with a science focus in line with whole school performance management. The last two weeks have been very investigation focussed - we've been looking at movement and exploring rolling, pushing, pulling and lifting - there could have been any number of lovely observations! Having done all the above in relation to movement, I can't think of anywhere else to take this for an observation, so i'm left wioth the other KUW stuff which will be happening next week - looking at our caterpillars / chrysalises and starting to sow seeds. Both of these will be nice, important things to do, but not really all-singing, all-dancing observation …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
by Guest- 14 replies
We are looking to extend our outdoor provison, one of my staff has great ideas for an area we call the horseshoe, she wishes to fill it with sand and keep it covered with tarapaulin at night to keep the animals out. Do we have to use play sand or can we get away with other types of sand.? My instinct is play sand only but would love to know if anybody else use builders sand or similar.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64,