School Curriculum and General issues
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Challenging Behaviour
by Guest- 7 replies
Not sure where to put this post so hope this is ok. In my reception class I have 26 children quite a few which have behavioural difficulties. I am at my wits end with only myself and TA in the classroom and thats the mornings. I do not always have a TA in the afternoon despite having a statemented child. I have asked the SENCO to come and observe one child in particular asap. A week later (still no observation done) the child hit a member of staff and was immediately internally excluded for the day by SENCO. The child refuses to do what is asked, pushes the other children, is ude, calls out all the time etc, etc. I am trying the 'catch em being good approach but it is ver…
Tips For Teaching Blending Sounds
by Guest- 1 reply
I have a large group of my children who can't blend sounds to read words at all. I wondered if any one had any tips of games that they have found to be really effective?
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, i wondered if anyone has any ideas for our topic next term. We ard doing food and we are struggling for what to do in the water area. any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks 0258
by Guest- 11 replies
We have four computers in our reception unit. They have always been popular and have always been in constant use. The children have got very good at logging on and choosing the programmes they want for themselves - they are very independent on them. This is all great and we have no problem with this. A month or so a go one of the children asked if they could go on to the cbeebies website so I showed him what to do, soon all the computers had it on. However this has created an obsession on the computer. We hoped that after a few weeks the novelty might wear off but yesterday, a boy who is normally very well behaved scratched another child over the computer. We are a…
Snack Time?
by Guest- 22 replies
I am interested if any one can share how they organise snack time, and particularly the idea of 'rolling snack time' We all sit down at 10.00 and have snack together, but it can take a while and becomes a bit of a free for all. I am in reception.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I only found out about this site a few days ago and have spent most of my spare time on it. I apologise if my query has been answered somewhere else but I am still finding my feet. I used to have a reception class but from September 08 it became a mixed class. I now have 17 reception and 7 year ones. The year 1 children I kept, were still working within the ELGs. My problem is with planning. I want to continue planning as I have always done for a reception class and extending this with Y1 objectives where appropriate for the children in Y1. But the literacy and numeracy co-ordinators want me to focus on the year 1 renewed framework. I am struggling and…
Stunning Start! - Minibeast Topic
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi I am a Pre-school leader myself but my daughter is a reception class teacher and we have been racking our brains about a really good hook for the start of her minibeast/growing topic next term. They had a really successful start to this term when one day her lunch (which happened to be honey sandwiches ) was strewn all over the floor, the next day a jar of honey and a spoon appeared, then some foot prints and fur were left in the classroom and at the end of the week a life size bear poked his head round the door and came to visit! As you can imagine this really hooked the children in and got them going on finding things out about bears and using bears in t…
Would You Wear A Suit?
by Guest- 11 replies
I know this sounds really silly, but it's been a long time since I had an interview, and I've never had one for foundation stage. Do people still wear suits/smart stuff? The school in question only know me as a Y5/6 teacher, and I don't want to come across as all shoulder pads and high heels when that's not what I'm like at all. I'm not thinking of going in my jeans and a pair of slippers, just wondered if I should go for the more casual look to show them I don't mind a bit of paint in my hair or playdough down my jumper What do you think?
Class Assembly
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi everyone! I have my first class assembly in 2 weeks and have to do this on my own with 26 reception children. I could possibly have a TA but not guaranteed. Never done assembly before let alone with reception children as am NQT so I am now having a quiet panic! Our topic/ theme has been pets since half term so I was wondering what on earth I could do for 15 mins? We have visited pets corner at the farm so the children have done some great writing and we could paint pictures of their favourite animal. I wanted to do a bit of acting but not sure if they could cope with that? Any ideas would be really appreciated!!!! Thank you.
by Guest- 2 replies
im introducing money to F2 next week we have a shop in which we are goign to carry out he focus activity in however i am a bit stumpted as to where to start with the topic of money my lowers recognise nummbers to 10 and can find one more and 1 less my mid can rec numbers and combine grps with totals to 5 my highs can rec numbre and combine and subtract totals to 5 Any ideas of activities and where to pitch them woujld be gratefully received.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195,