School Curriculum and General issues
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- 17 replies
Hi everyone, not sure if this is the correct forum for this query. Please help! I am a R/Y1 teacher myself but I would like some unbiased advice. My grandaughter will be 4 in May, my son has applied to 2 of out of catchment schools , as they were head and shoulders above the local school. They are now devastaed to find out that she hasn't got either of the first twos school and not even her catchment school! The school that she has been offerred a place at is in and out of special measures on a regular basis. My son is adamant that she will NOT go to the'speecial measures' school. He is now considering keeping her in preschool for another year. I would be very interested…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Wondering how rec/yr1 teachers organise their classrooms to access both curriculums. I have a small size classroom with 17 children 11 of which are Reception. Advisor wants to see learning bays but also area for yr1 to be kept on task without playbased activities. Any ideas would be gratefully recieved as I feel as though I am going around in circles.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13306, -
Malleable Materials
by Guest- 21 replies
Hi everyone - not sure if this is the correct place to put this My Nursery teacher would like a pliable malleable material to use in place of Play dough or clay - she has tried plasticine but finds it very hard for small hands - even when her NN placed it in the microwave!!! She had some soft plasticine when she fist arrived that had been ordered by a previous staff member but cannot find it in any of the school catalogues - it looks like plasticine but is much softer - hope someone can help many thanks g
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some information please on the subject of 'learning walls'? I may have got the subject name wrong, but it is where you have a display of the childrens work, and I have it in my head it is called a 'learning wall' or maybe it is a learning story wall. Not quite sure. Your help would be greatly appreciated as I am wanting to use it in the setting i work in but need to know its proper name and how to use it. Thank you Rosepetal
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2202, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi all, The headteacher has asked that I do a risk assessment for Early Years (Nursery and Reception) around indoor and outdoor provision. Haven't done one before and just wondered if any of you have a risk assessment that you would be prepared to share, to give me some starting points? Or could you point me in the right direction to find some within the forums please. Thanks everone Karen
Multi-cultural Day
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone! We are holding a 'multi-cultural' day in school next week, where each classroom will represent a different nationality of the children in our setting. I have 'Great Britain/United Kingdom' and I am really struggling for activities the children can do??? I was thinking of maybe doing an activity for England/Ireland/Scotland/Wales??? Any ideas would be truly appreciated - struggling slightly!!! Tinky x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
Book Bag / Story Sack Schemes
by Guest- 4 replies
I am hoping to set up a book bag scheme in our foundation stage unit. Has anyone got one of these set up and do you have any useful snippets of information or top tips that they can offer? Best places to get resources, managing them? Getting them off the ground etc?? Any resources to share Many Thanks Sarah
- 0 replies
Hello, I posted a questionnaire recently regarding the transition from reception to Y1, I received quite a few replies, however I did not receive many from Y1 teachers and feel my findings may not be representative of both sides of the transition. I only need 6 more completed questionnaires to make my research regarded as 'reliable' so would appreciate it if anyone could complete it. Thank you to everyone who has participated already, I have found your replies very interesting. I am still sifting through my questionnaires, interviews conscripts etc. Will post some more info once I have my findings written up (some time next month). Thanks again, looking fo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
- 19 replies
I am going to be observed on Monday morning and have never slept. I get so worried and loose any self confidence. I hate that horrible feeling. Has anyone got any tips how to deal with these feelings before I make a total mess of everything. Sometimes I'm fine in these situations, feeling particularly low at moment for various reasons.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13306, -
Plenary In Reception
by Guest kelh81- 5 replies
Hi, I'm due to be observed tomorrow by the head and I'm wondering whether I should do a whole class plenary. I don't usually do one as I do it through group work- I find that it is much more meaningful as links directly with the particular groups level. Plus the lesson will continue after play time through group work as I won't have time to work with every child in the time she is there. The head has said, informally, in the past that she knows most teachers usually only do plenaries when they are being watched! I'm just wondering if I'm brave enough to not do one- what do you think? K
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,