School Curriculum and General issues
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- 12 replies
Hi Everyone, I have an interview next week and have been given the task of working with 4 reception children on a group activity for 20 minutes with the topic minibeasts. They have specified that the children are working towards ELG: KUW4 Investigates places, objects, materials and living things by using all the senses as appropriate Identifies some features and talks about the features w/he likes and dislikes KUW5Asks questions about why things happen and how things work, looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change So this needs to be the focus of the activity. I think i've just gone into panic mode but just can't think of anything impre…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Report To Governors
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi there, been asked to write a report for the next governors meeting - anyone every wrote one of those before - what do i put in it? Thanks H
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Reception End Of Year Report
by Guest- 5 replies
We are looking at changing the format of our end of year reports. Does anyone have an example they could share please! We're having 'heated' discussions with our FS co-ordinator about how they should be structured! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanx!
- 1 reply
Hi all I'm off to the local park next week and was trying to think of ideas! The park has orinteering type posts with numbers and was going to use these but not sure how! Any ideas greatfully accepted! Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Safe Practice
by Guest- 5 replies
The HLTA who covers my PPA for 12 children in my nursery class joins up with the reception TA and 30 reception children to teach Sticky Kids (music and movement) in the hall. Is it safe practice to have 42 young children together in the hall with a HLTA and a TA? I know in Nursery it is 1:13 but not sure when all of Reception are mixed with Nursery if it is still the case. Should it be 3:39 as in Nursery? Thanks once again for all your responses. Sue x
Health And Safety
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi everyone. Does anyone know what the official ratio for taking recption children out of school for the day is? I have been told it is 1:10 now!!! If anyone does know could they direct me to the official web site as it's hard to back it up otherwise. Thanks.
Organising A Reception Day
by Guest- 12 replies
Hello everyone! This is my first post and i hope i can explain what i want to ask without being too confusing! I am a nursery class teacher in a maintained class within a Primary School. We are lucky enough to share a large outdoor area with the reception class. After lots of hard work we have almost got the nursery set up to a place where i want to be... We have free flow in and outdoors with CI learning happening for most of the session, minimal stops and starts during the session, rolling snack, and next steps planning for individual children from observations. In an ideal world I think it would work really well if the whole foundation stage were to work more…
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm a new member and have seen some really good advice on here so hoping people may have some ideas to help me. I took over a Reception class at the end of January which has been quite tricky but I think i'm starting to get my head around it! However, I have a little girl who is really struggling with being separated from her parents. There are tears from the moment she arrives outside the school and they don't really stop all day. She does occasionally get involved in activities but then seems to realise she's having fun and gets upset. She is also terrified of not having a familiar adult around. I'm very worried about this, especially as she is getting herself t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20645, -
Making Paper
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Has anyone made their own paper with the children before? I'm thinking of giving it ago but just wondered if anyone had some simple instructions for it. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
World Book Day
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello, I have taken over the role of Litercay coordinator in our school and I am aware World Book day is looming. Has anyone gotcany great ideas of what they do at their school? I need to think of activities that would be suitable for the whole school and not just in the Early Years. Any suggestions would be great! I have tried to do a search but can't seem to come with any thing much so if anyone can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,