School Curriculum and General issues
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- 16 replies
Hi there everyone, Had a lovely day today with the children in the snow - until hometime when some parents started complaining 'ITS DISGUSTING THIS' letting children play outdoors in this weather!?!?!?!?!? I feel I have been trying to explain the importance of outdoor play - even in the colder weather over the plast few weeks and it seems to be having no effect on our parents. Was just wondering if anyone had a parent information leaflet ready made on the importance of outdoor play! or where i could find one. Thanks Very Miffed H!!!
- 0 replies
Some time ago someone posted some cards that could be used for students or parents in areas in the classroom or nursery that gave key learning points for the areas. I cannot find these now. Any ideas anyone?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
- 16 replies
Hello, I recently asked for reception and year 1 practitioners to participate in a research questionnaire regarding the transition from reception to year 1 for my dissertation. I have received 4 completed questionnaires which I am very grateful for. I would really appreciate it if more practitioners could respond. I will not be disclosing anyone's identity in the research. Even if your school is not particularly effective at transitions, it would still be of valuable information to me. Thank you in advance if you participate. Emma practitioner_questionnaire_online.doc
- 4 replies
Hi Looking for info again. Wondered how to extend the interest in lego, e.g. recording work in pictures, labelling with relevant words available. Thought of asking questions, e.g how many bricks, what colour etc. Any ideas would be welcome. This after a little adult input would be mostly independent work. Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
Help With A Vegetarian Please
by Guest- 24 replies
I have a little chap who is just 4 and he and his family are all vegetarians, he has an 8 year old sister. I didn't know this until I was chatting to his mum, and in conversation I mentioned how he enjoys milk at break time, and she said she wasn't surprised as he doesn't have it at home as they are vegetarians. For a while he chose water. At the Christmas party he brought in his own vegetarian sausages (all children bring in a dish) & I explained to mum that there would be sausage rolls and I'd keep an eye on him if she wanted me too, but she said he wouldn't eat them as he'd know they were meat and gave him a talk about not eating the sausage rolls. Guess what was …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi there, I am new to this so I hope I have posted this in the right place!! I would really love some help with thinking of some independent activities in Literacy and Numeracy. We have a writing area with letters, postcards, envelopes, news, blank lists, blank instructions, invitations, birthday cards etc and also secret diaries which the children are really loving at the moment. The children can and do come and take what they want but I am a bit stuck with thinking of some exciting phonics activities that the children might choose to do independently. These tables are often empty! In MD I am finding it a real struggle to think of something exciting for NL…
Teaching Addition To Reception
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Hoping you can help as my ideas for a lesson observation don't seem to be coming together as easily as I thought they would. Teaching adding as a whole class input - going to use 'The lighthouse keepers lunch' as focus and a basket of food as all linked to our topic which the children are really enjoying! Need a fun whole class input that involves teaching to add by combining two groups. Also wondering if I should go on and extend this by teaching how to write this as a number sentence e.g. 4 cakes add 3 cakes is 7 cakes and writing with the + and = so I can then see if anyone takes this learning on for themselves or if this may be too much. I have chn wh…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Risk Assessments
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Just in the process of dragging our reception setting out of the dark ages (started new at teh school in September) I've made a bid dent in the day to day stuff but now nneed to get cracking on the evaluation of provision, policy and RISK ASSESSMENT of the place. After reading the EYFS guidelines i'm confussed do i really need to risk assess my provision even though we're part of a school if so what do i assess and what do i not. Having completed risk assessments for trips and week long camps the thought of trying to risk assess my classroom fills me with dred, where the hell do i start!!! If anyone has copies of their setting that i could tweek to match …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
Football And Scooters
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi hope someone can give us some advice - in Reception we have a large outdoor area which has plenty of room to allow children to run around in. Some of our boys love playing football and 2 in particular would spend every day rain or shine on scooters - we were wondering whether though we should restrict the amount of time we allow them to do these activities as this is all they choose to do when they are not doing a focussed activity - we've intervened on occasions by setting up obstacle courses and football skills and we also realise the need to follow their interests and not change their activity to being adult directed-
Communication With Parents
by Guest tinkerbell- 11 replies
Hi all The school questionnaire has returned from parents and I am feeling sad and fed up. I teach 16 reception and 5 year1 in a very small room in an old victorian building,the class next door to me other half of yr1 and all yr2 walk through my classroom to get to the hall,ICT room library etc. At the beginning of the year I let the parent of new children come into school and settle them in 20 mins before school officially starts.....this was to ease the corridor of prams etc etc. The children now have been asked to line up with the rest of the school to come in at the normal time or the children can come in 10 mins before the bell (this is a whole school thing). …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,