School Curriculum and General issues
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Using Our IAW To Bake Currant Buns
by Guest- 24 replies
KUW-40-60mths-find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and communication technology to support their learning We have just completed a fullweek in our reception classes on currant buns so though I would share it in a thread. There will be a few posts with resources Monday-We started the beginning of the week with a brainstorm of KUW about how to make currant buns and created a shopping list. The children went on to create their own shopping lists some on laminated shopping cards, some use the cards to help them write their own and some used just the flash cards
Planning Formats
by Guest- 13 replies
Sorry to mention this again but I feel I still haven't got this right. My head looked at my planning and just suggested that there should be an assessment box on there. I pointed out the look listen note box but this went over his head!!!!! so I would be very grateful if I could please see some plans for reception or nursery/reception. Thanks very much. I seem to spend so much time on planning and I just want to be able to start in January with plans that i am happy with. Please help to put my little mind at rest.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20359, -
Formal Pe Lesson?
by Guest- 2 replies
hi,just wondered anybody working in an education nursery,do you have a formal pe lesson in a hall or just have outside play to cover physical develpment. I am under the impression that the EYFS says that all physical develpoment can be achieved in (fine motor) and outside nursery (gross motor). Thanks everyone
Reception Interview
by Guest- 15 replies
HI, I just qualified before xmas. I have an interview on Monday for a Reception teaching post, haven't been in Reception class since my first practice. I've got to read a book and do follow up activity. Thought could do The Very Hungry Caterpillar, once read as a group see if children can identify days of week (using pre prepared cards and fruit) get them to put days in correct order and identify/remember what he ate. This is a school with quite bright children. With the new curriculum does this sound suitable, ie are Reception children supposed to know days of week? This is interview for 1st teaching post so want to do something good! If anyone has id…
- 5 replies
Hi, I am in my final year of my early childhood studies degree and have to do a dissertation on a topic of my choice. I have chosen the transition from reception to year 1. I have created a questionnaire for practitioners working in reception or year 1 and would really appreciate it if anyone could complete it and send it back to me via the message system. Thank you in advance to anyone who participates. Emma practitioner_questionnaire_online.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
Buddying Project
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi is anyone going to the launch day of the buddying project tomorrow 26th? Look forward to hearing more about it..... its going to be a awesome project!
Psrn Observation
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello! It's my first year in Reception! (Getting the hang of it surely but slowly......but still needing advice and ideas!!) I am being observed on Tuesday.... and my focus is addition (adding two sets of numbers together.) I just want to know if anyone has any ideas to get me going! I have a full class of 30, and two teaching assistants. I have a lively (let's make that v. lively group). Their current interests include Tesco cash machines, Ben 10, hedgegogs and money. Our book of the week is The Shopping Basket by John Burningham (we did - Don't Forget the Bacon last week) There are a small group of 4 who can add numbers together already and are starting…
Assembly Ideas
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, its that time of year again and it is my classes assembly in a couple of weeks. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas (or scripts ) for an assembly with a space theme?? Looking forward to replies
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Food Assembly
by Guest- 7 replies
We have to perform our first assembly - Reception class - in a couple of weeks. We have been doing a topic on Food. I'm in a Catholic school, so our assemblies have to have a religious link. I've thought about doing the story of the Loaves and Fishes with the children acting it out, but need something more to 'pad it out'. I'm trying to think of a good story about sharing possibly? Or any other way to link to the Bible story. We have done the story of The Little Red Hen in the past and talked about helping each other, so I don't really want to do this. Anyone out there got ANY ideas - other bible stories or links would be equally interesting. I had thought…
Building Regulations Mixed Loos
by Guest tinkerbell- 5 replies
Hi Can anyone help please? My small primary school is on the list of the local LEA's buildings to be rebuilt/added too to bring us up to legislation on the required amount of space per child etc,disabled toilets etc......Can boys and girls share the same toilet facilities? I know in the early years they do and aparantly at secondary school and some adult public toilets are unisex.....what about KS1 and KS2???? I would be very interested to know if you guys have mixed and where would I find the documentation about it??? Thank you Tinkerbellxxx