School Curriculum and General issues
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James Bond!
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Wondering what people thought on this - a couple of the children were running around our outdoor area playing James Bond and so were pretending to shoot each other -first with stickle bricks then using their fingers as guns. I began to stop the play as we say no to children making guns - but however hard I tried to explain - the little boy in question kept on repeating 'it's only pretend!' I must admit there was a lot of good imaginative play - so wasn't sure about the gun part - and does the same go for playing star wars if they're going around shooting everyone with pretend light sabres?? And what about following children's interests Would be interested to hear yo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
by Guest tinkerbell- 7 replies
Hi Can anyone tell me where i can buy plastic tweezers for fine motor control activities for reception children? Thanks Tinkerbell
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Where Do I Start?
by Guest- 12 replies
The YR class in my school has been like a Y1 class really. Not much play, all children sat at tables doing differentiated work or all taking turns to make x or paint Y. When the YR teacher left I willingly moved into teaching the foundation class this Sept. I taught YR 5 years ago so lots has changed since then. I've got to grips with the paperwork, assessment expectations and adult led activities and have lots of resources for this. However I am struggling to create the child initiated classroom with lots of engaging independent activities that I know the children should have. I just don't know where to start and at the moment I feel overwhelmed. For the first tim…
- 7 replies
Me again!!! Thinking of doing healthy week. Has anyone any ideas about health related topics/activities? Thinking of doing fruit kebabs in a pattern! Would like some ideas for outside, e.g heart rates etc. Also keen to look at emotional well being. Any ideas greatfully accepted. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
Music And Sound
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello. Just had a mini planning meeting for next term. We decided that all of the children in Foundation and Year One would have the same and sound. Year One are going to adopt the same Obesrvation Assessment and Planning format as Foundation which will be great. We just brainstormed a few ideas but we need activities to be progressive for Y1 children. Some of the ideas are as follows but we would love to hear your ideas as well! Music from around the world, invite Musicians in to perform live, sound etc, phase one letters and sound activities, making instruments, junk band, indoor/outdoor sounds, karaoke performances, music from different…
- 11 replies
Hi I walked my children to school today and it was freezing. I'm in school on Wednesday and was wondering about taking children out in the bitter cold! Any tips. I'm passionate about outdoor play but we only have one session straight away after register! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12941, -
- 4 replies
Hi, we've had the dreaded ofsted call!!! We have been learning about senses and so far have looked at sight. This week the children have been inspired by the cold weather, noticed snowflakes on the window and ice in the musical pans outdoors. Today we noticed that the soil in the digging area was frozen. Therefore I have decided to link this with Polar Polar bear what do you hear? Does anybody have any great ideas for linking these two things? Thanks in a anticipation! A very nervous Reception teacher!x
- 10 replies
Hi Just split my class into two groups for letters and sounds. I have the top group and was wondering if anyone had any nice activities we could use. The other group will have access to the IWB most of the time and this suits their style of learning! The children know all initial phonemes and are working on segmenting and blending! Thanks PS expecting ofsted soon Any help would be much appreciated or if someone could point me in the right direction!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
- 5 replies
I just wondered what you are all doing outside this week. I'm looking for some really good activities that will be very physical and active as I'm being observed this week - any curriculum areas - just exciting, purposeful and active! (and independent / self-selected if possible, rather than adult-led) Please help me come up with something amazing! Thank you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 4 replies
Hi Everyone, Does anyone know of a 'free' IWB phoneme card file? I am trying to inject some excitement into my review and recall of phonemes already taught. Mel