School Curriculum and General issues
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- 4 replies
I am trying to organise myself for my new intake after Christmas. I am going to do parent interivews for the first time and was sondering if anyone could share a format that they use, just so i can have an idea of the sort of information others ask for.
Daily Structure
by Guest- 21 replies
i know we have discussed this several times. i am a receptio teacher in a single form entry school with one moderate size room and an outside area. because i school constraints i feel that i am unable to get going with anything. here is an overview of our week- please feel free to comment. i can't bear the time we are 'tied' up with things! Monday 9.00-9.45 Hall time (usually use for PE/CREATIVE TYPE WORK) when dressed! 9.55is we do phonics but we need to stop at 10.15 to do out snack so the real issue is that this time of 25min ish is too long to keep them focused but too short to set up tables, when they have all their clothes over them, for them to get involved…
- 8 replies
Im looking for a sequencing sheet for the Gingerbread man to tie my literacy and numeracy together this week abit. If anyone can help I would be very grateful as I cant find anything suitable online. Ive seen the full colour stuff at Sparklebox and but would like something as a simple black outline. Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Outdoor Equipment
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi! What does everyone have outside? I am helping to plan for more things for outside, we've got lots of space and not much in it! I'm thinking willow tunnels, and climbing frames, what else do people have for their outside space? Sarah
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
It's All Over!
by Guest- 6 replies
Finally it's all over! What a difference 2 weeks make! Two weeks ago I was still at school at this time frantically putting up displays and sorting paper work for Ofsted's visit the following Tuesday and Wednesday. One week ago I was feeling very sorry for myself and sick! I had ended up with tonsillitis- too much work and no play! So I've been off the whole of this week, which is very wired! A whole week with my head teacher teaching my class! Wiredest thing was I was so ill I didn't care! And now here I am, looking back over it all and thinking its a bit of a whirlwind and I can't remember it all happening! Anyway, two more days of rest and then back too it, l…
Got Money For Books!
by Guest- 6 replies
As literacy Co-ord, have been told I can get new guided reading books. Whoo hooo! Currently use Rigby Star which are ok but have no non-fiction. Does anyone know of a good scheme which has interesting, decodable, non-fiction books for Reception readers (especially boys) Looked at Collins Big Cats but couldn't navigate round the site. was confused (doesn't take a lot to confuse me!) Anyway your advice would be much appreciated! thanking you in anticipation (God, look at the time!!!!!!!!!) Moo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 12 replies
What do you use in your Nursery/reception/year one classrooms that you find indispensible? What do your children love most? What has the biggest learning through play value? Builders trays are great - any other suggestions- big or small - gratefully received.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
by Guest- 17 replies
I wonder if anyone could help me please my teacher has been on an observation today and on the teachers planning there was an abbreviation GTEP or something similar. The class teacher was unable to explain other than it had something to do with inclussion possibly? I'm not even sure that it's right but just wondered if anyone had a clue? Cheers A very confussed Vicky!!!
- 8 replies
I've got a new child coming into my reception class next week and she is Muslim. Mum does not want her to be involved in any RE activities, not Christmas play, Christmas cards, etc on the basis that she might get confused. I've said to her that we'll have a proper meeting to agree exactly what we'll be doing to support their position, but wanted to ask your opinions first! My current school is very white, nominally Christian. My previous school had a large percentage of Muslim children who all joined in with everything. We obviously find out about all different religions, and, no matter what my personal beliefs are, I would never promote any religion, just say that this i…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Space Activity Ideas - Q Pootle!
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all, Not only am I new to this forum but I am also new to teaching! I am currently teaching the topic 'Space' and wondered if anybody had any creative/good ideas/planning for this? In particular, our book next week is Q Pootle 5! Has anyone ever used this book/got any ideas for activities? In need of help!! Tinky