School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
by Guest- 7 replies
When I do a message the time is still one hour in front, how do I change it . It is only on this forum my clock is right on my computer. thanks Debs
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Ideas For An Activity
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I am having an open morning soon, as part of it I want to run an activity where the end product is something the children can take home (that's not too messy!), suitable for 1yr upwards. Any ideas please Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789, -
Climbing Frames, Benches Etc.
by Guest- 5 replies
I still haven't been able to find a definitive answer to this one - as I only have 10 YR children in my class of 30 (YR/1/2), I would love to be able to let one group at a time into the hall from time to time, where we have a lovely climbing frame, benches etc. We have access to the playground for bikes and other wheeled toys, but nothing to climb on, walk along and balance (apart from ropes on the ground and playground markings) and so on. I take the reception group on their own for a gym session now, but would love to be able to let a small group have free access to the hall in this way for those times when they want to move around like this, but don't want to go outsid…
First Assignment
by Guest- 4 replies
I have finished my first assignment today and feel really pleaded with myself Pity I cant go to the pub as I have had pulse dyed laser treatment on my nose and its all black and blue. At least having to stay in I got my assignment done. Will try to get motivated to do my next assignment well after my lager/ Debs
Number Homework
by Guest- 11 replies
hi all what kind of things do you send home for numeracy homework - i anything at all? We usually only send home words and sounds. How ever this year parents have been asking for number work too. Our head is reluctant as we think it will be too much so he has asked me to ask on here to see what others do!! Any feedback would be gratefully received Lola
Numeracy Activity
by Guest justinece- 4 replies
I wonder if someone out there could help me. Im on my first teaching practice and have been asked to do an activity with the children using laminated pictures of a train and carriages with the numbers 1-10 on them (poss up to 15 to extend for more able). I have been trawling the internet for suitable pictures and have been unsucessful. Can anyone help me please? Ive found lots of pics but they are all side views and therefore unsuitable.
Resources For Eyfs
by Guest- 3 replies
On a wet and windy morning I have found myself looking through the pile in the corner! and have discovered a letter form FORUM BUSINESS MEDIA LTD They have put together a support package for the EYFS ( ofsted tips, planning guides, assessment made simple etc) and I am wondering whether any other forum friends have had dealings with this company before. It all sounds pretty good on paper but does cost of just over £170 offer value for money. I really need to be on the ball and not waste our pennies if its not up to standard. We are a pre-school by the way. Any thoughts please?
Gifted And Talented
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi I am new to the forum, joined a couple of weeks ago and I have already found it very useful. I teach reception and wonder if anyone has any suggestions for a challenge box / area for this age group. Within my class I have a small group of very able children this year and in addition to this a particulalry bright child - I'd would value any ideas / suggestions with both the group and the individual child (who seems to be doing better than many of our Year Ones). Thanks
Motorbike Interest
by Guest- 5 replies
I have been observing the children in my setting and for the past 2 or 3 days they have used the big construction materials to make roads/ramps then pretended they were motorbikes/bikes in their play-we have decided to use their interest in ths area to focus on bikes etc when we go back after hols-any ideas what we can do ? last year we visited local car garage and set up role play etc -we are foundation stage therefore did not want to do exactly the same -any suggestions/resources welcome ... before I spend hours thinking of new ideas!!!
- 3 replies
Hello everyone! Looking forward to half term? I know I am! It's been really tough this half term... was just wondering if anybody knew of the teacher's tv programme that focussed on how a teacher set up her writing area as a car to encourage the boys in there please? Do you know what it was called? Thank you! Tash X