School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Milk Allergy And Cooking
by Guest- 5 replies
Does anyone have any ideas for what I can do in cooking sessions that are suitable for a child with a milk allergy? Thanks, in advance
Key Workers?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi! Has anybody good ideas how to sort out Key workers in a F2 setting with a job share??? Thanks!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone have any fun craft activities to go alongside the introduction of the sounds at Phase 2 ? We are onto p, i, n this week and wanted some nice activities to link to this. We introduce the sounds using Jolly phonics ?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Teachernet Resources
by Guest- 0 replies
A few weeks ago someone posted a link to teachernet resources, since then the layout of the web page has changed, I am looking for the examples of planning etc for EYFS, want to compare them to what I have done anyone know how to get to that area of the site? Julie
Re Heating Foods
by Guest- 1 reply
This may be useful to some one I have bought a new food temperature probe, after seeing a member of staff testing the food by sicking her little finger in to it and eating it I have looked up and checked temperatures and it says babies should not be fed foods heated higher then 90f or 32c Nice little read on "keeping food safe for baby" on site
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
- 5 replies
I've done away with 'playtime' this year (I mean joing Y1 and Y2 for playground time, except at lunch play) for all the reasons people have discussed on here before. I wonder what fantastic ideas people might have for very active things for children to do independently outside. My TA is concerned that the children should be having playtime as a chance to 'let off steam', 'have a runaround' etc rather than being focussed and 'quieter' all the time. I don't really expect them to be really quiet, just not shouting and screaming. For example the children love running around outside (and I mean running! )zooming the toy aeroplanes evrywhere but I don't know if they should be …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Welly Help!
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi, How does everyone cope with their storage of wellies? Our outdoor area is predominantly grass so at this time of year wellies are required. As always space is limited!! Have looked on eBay and the web for welly storage ideas but they are all posh wooden / metal things that are horrendously expensive. Have considered the big plastic buckets in their house teams, has anyone achieved something similar? Today was a nightmare - I had shoes / carrier bags / wellies strewn all in the vicinity of the door, encroaching on the music area and mark-making areas - it wasn't a pretty sight!! Thanks everyone.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi can anyone help. I have an eal child in my class and would like to use some makaton signs with him. I am having difficulty finding some basic signs though and wondered if anyone knows of where I can get them from preferably for free! Thanks!
Independent Activities
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi just wondering if people can share any good independent activites for children to engange in when teacher is focused, i am in Reception. e.g. the children seem to be board with the table top activities i put out e.g. have had all the construction toys out, tap tap, etc. but want exciting things for CLL and Numeracy. We have things like Nursry rhyme sack, 'pretend' folder lap tops, magnetic letters, threading, WB and pens etc etc but they seem uninspired does anyone have any good activities that they can share. Thanks Natasha
- 3 replies
We are trying to revamp our music provision. Does anyone have any great ideas that have worked well? I had wondered about doing a box of instruments for each type of weather? We have a large bandstand area outdoors but it's just not used that well. Any ideas would be fab. Thanks