School Curriculum and General issues
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- 3 replies
Hi In our school we have 3 mixed Year 1/2 classes and although I'm being told that our old F2 children are bright and good at writing the staff just don't seem to be able to manage them alongside the Y2 children. I know of lots of single year classes in other schools where they give children Independent Learning and shorter, more practial tasks to help with the transition but we just don't seem to be able to work out how staff can do that alongside teaching the Year 2s. The classes don't have TAs in the afternoon so although they have a shared area where some children can play they haven't got staff to work in it! The children are finding it very hard to cope…
- 2 replies
Hi peeps Currently our induction process is this; Induction meeting for the parents at the end of the previous term (we have a 3 term intake). Then the first time the children visit us is at the beginning of the new term. They spend half a day with parent then another half day without parent and then they start full time. This works well but I always feel drained and feel that it just takes so long to get the whole class in together, 4 days of bitting and bobbing and then the fifth day we can start, when everyone is in. Has anyone tried anything else that works? I was also thinking of introducing visits for story times at the end of the term so that the new chidl…
- 5 replies
hi all worked hard getting areas right for large and small construction. Large construction working really well and small not so well. I have organised duplo, mobilo and lasy as instructed ie into clearly defined boxes, e.g fixers, axles etc but they are not choosing to go in. What could entice them for self chosen activities and then maybe next week i'd have time to go in an do some focused activities. (help here would be appreciated too!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
Maths Homework - Key Stage 1
by Guest- 15 replies
This is my daughters homework, she's 6 in November. I can't understand why she is looking at H,T,Units. She couldn't understand, even after I gave her 2 examples. Is this level appropriatte for Key Stage 1? Peggy IMG.pdf
Homework Policy
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone As I am in charge of parental involvement as well as other things, my school improvement plan states I am to come up with a homework policy for the whole school. Any advice or sample policies out there?? Thanks Nicola.
- 6 replies
Not sure if I have posted this in the right place but here goes. A parent of a part time reception child informed me today that she would be taking her child out of school one morning a week to take him swimming. I did say that by law he should be in school as he is on the register and it would be an unauthorised absence but then she said 'Ahh no, he doesn't have to be in school until next september in fact the term after he is 5' I said that yes these were guidelines but she had chosen for her child to start school now and she can't just chop and change. I said she was best to speak with the head. I have informed the head who totally backs up what I have said and…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 8 replies
Hi all, just ranting really. Have been told for 2 weeks now how rubbish the year 1 children are and how they can't do anything. All our FSP scores have been queried despite Year 1 teachers not knowing anything about it. Have just been given a list of things that our children need to do by the end of this year in order to get them ready for Year 1 despite me telling them that Early Years is not a training ground for Year 1. Does anyone else feel that their hard work of last year is being totally rubbished??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 1 reply
Hi all I have been searching for 20 mins to find a EFYS curriculum presentation for parents and am having no luck. i'm sure there is one on here, but i cannot find it can anyone upload one or point me in the right direction pleeeeeeeease?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Afterschool Job Interview
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi All I would be grateful of any suggestions or experiences please. Our primary school is about to interview for a "Leader", of our after school club. I have questions in mind but would be grateful of any that other people have used to fill a similar vacancy. Thanks
I Can't Take Much More!
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi everyone! Sorry to moan but I really am about to break! I work in a primary school in reception with 26 children and just myself and my TA. The children are an absolute nightmare, they just won't calm down. They are continually shouting, jumping all over each other and being mean. They are all over confident and nothing scares them. I have tried everything I can to stop their behaviour being so out of control, and I really am at the end of my teather! Does anyone have any suggestions of how to control behaviour? I think the main problem is I have a large amount of boys who do not care about anything unless it's upsetting each other! Help! Please!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13789,