School Curriculum and General issues
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Indoor Climbing Frames
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, Another daft question, I'm afraid, but as our HLTA covers PE for me, and is not trained in teaching gymnastics, she is not allowed to use the climbing frame in her lessons according to the risk assessment, even if there is additional support with her in the lesson . I was hoping to build in a regular timeslot to allow our YR children to explore the climbing frame in small groups (there are only 10 of them in total) whilst I am doing a focused session with the older Y1/2 children in class. During that session, although I'll have 30 children in total, I will have the luxury of 3 support staff. Our head is unsure about allowing the children on the frame without a tea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 3 replies
Hi! It's the first time I've posted on here so I hope I've put this topic in the right place! I would be grateful for any advice or suggestions on the issue of reporting accidents to parents. I have read in in the EYFS Statutory Framework that from September we have to report accidents/injuries and treatment given, to parents, and this was confirmed when I attended a peadiatric first aid course on friday. Apparently every accident, including grazed knees etc has to be reported and signed by the parent. This is not a problem in the nursery class, but I can see it will be logisitcal nightmare for the two reception classes. The reception children go out to play on…
- 6 replies
Hi everyone As newly appointed FS Leader of nursery and reception classes, I have been assigned the glorious job of ensuring that EYFS is implemented effectively from September! We have no experience of working with the children using the 'key worker' approach and I am desperate for pointers in the right direction!! How do yours work? Are members of staff responsible for planning and assesment of their key group? How do you get together to dicuss findings and next steps? What does your planning look like? Do members of staff follow their key children around all day????? As you can see, I need BASICS! Here's Hoping! Nicola xx
Do You Log It?
by Guest- 13 replies
when you supervise a child having an inhaler do you record it. We have had an issue recenlty were a child has a care plan and has to have inhaler at a set time each day - a student in currently in the class and said the child had had inhaler child said he hadnt. When this was mentioned in staff meeting i said i though that we should be recording this not only to cover ourselves but also safety of children however our first aider said no it would be too much paper work. I just feel very sorry for this student who has been put in this position because of our inept system what do others do?
Naming Display Work
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi all a quick question - when you display childrens work on the wall do you put the name with it. We always have but i have recently visited quite a few other settings and have noticed that most if them dont name the work. Was wondering if i had missed something are we not meant to??
Help Needed Please
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi guys, I'm after some help again. I've just started with a young chap who is in yr2, but working to reception level. The problem I am having that in tasks such as initial letter sounds, counting to 10 and counting syllables, the resources that I use become a distraction and it becomes hard to keep him on track. He also has severe behavioural problems and has huge tantrums if asked to do what he doesn't want to (such as come in at the end of break), as well as a problem with attention, he wants it but he can't cope with too much. I try not to handle him too much but sometimes I need to for his safety or that of the other children, I already have bruises up my arms an…
Eyfs Profiles
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi guys has anyone seen or got the new EYFS profile booklets yet?
- 2 replies
Hi there, it is creative week in school next week, has anyone any good suggestions, we are having a whole school creative day where ch will decorate totem poles, build camp fires, sing and perform native american chants and dances but just wondered if anyone any ideas for teaching my mixed reception / year one class. cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Are We Able To Use The Eyfs Yet?
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi there, I am really struggling with this one. We moved into the new setting three weeks ago. I have some new staff and need to train them up (as well as existing staff in the new setting). I have been told by an EYAT from a neighbouring area that she has had confirmation from Ofsted that we can use the EYFS for planning, and practice from this point forward. She made it very clear we may not use the statutory areas and guidances until September. Our own EYAT came in today and she told us that no, we may not do this and I will have to train my staff to use the old curriculum for four weeks practice and then retrain the staff! Has anyone else had …
Sparklebox Is Now Free!
by Guest- 10 replies
Just discovered Sparklebox is now COMPLETELY free, so I thought i'd let you all know, if that's allowed and if no one already has! Now I can increase my ink cartridge bills!!! Enjoy Moo xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776,