School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Poetry-using The Senses
by Guest- 12 replies
has anyone done this unit with a mixed reception/year one class? if so i would love to hear what you did and any ideas for poems that use the senses. hope you can help me
Languages Website
by Guest- 9 replies
Found this site somewhere/somehow! It has video examples of over 40 languages including BSL and makaton. Just posted it onto a member looking for polish resources and thought it might be of use to some others in similar position. (don't know how to link this directly to the site!) Was very useful as i have new-ish polish child. used it to teach my children basic words to communicate with her. She loves it! Regards!
French Day
by Guest- 1 reply
Dear All, We are planning a French Day in our Primary Special School. What activites would you suggest to keep all amused, challenged and exposed to French between 10am and 2pm. Mnay thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
How Strucurtured Is Reception
by Guest- 6 replies
i know i always ask loads of questions on here but i know theres always someone who knows more then me and can help. i have never worked in a recpetion class and have only just moved to nursery age from under 3s. I would like to know how structured a reception class is. what is the usual routine? how much time do the children spend sitting down/in groups/ free play/planned activites etc i ask, as the nusery nurse i work with has worked in reception previously (over a year ago now i think) and we were having a conversation about our routine and how we are not formal in anyway ( after a parent has made complaints we dont do enough sitting down) and she went …
How Many?
by Guest- 4 replies
In reception how many focus activites do you carry out per week
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, got ofsted in this wed and thurs, really confident with my classroom and outdoor play etc etc but having a major melt down about questions they will ask about baselining and how I assess entry scores etc. Advice needed as to how to prepare for interview with them re standards and progression. Ta!
Differing Views
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all I have a tricky situation with the oher teacher i teach with in reception we have a class of 15 each and we come together as one for song,rhyme and story time. We have our new children over for a visit before they start school today. This is only the childrens second visit and so obvioulsy we had some who were very shy and very nervous. The other teacher took them for song time today whilst i kept our cuurent reception children for snack time. When we cam back togther 2 of my new children were in tears and were sobbing. When i asked what was wrong the other teacher who had been taking them for song time said they didnt like it because i made them join in - when i …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
New Nursery Powerpoint
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, Hope everyone is OK. Can someone please help me? I really need some help! Can anyone kindly let me borrow a powerpoint for new nursery children, what I mean is a powerpoint you may have done in the past for new nursery parents. Many thanks in advance Flowerxxxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
- 2 replies
It is my calss assembly with 30 reception children this week. I'm looking for a bit of inspiration please. Our topic for the last few weeks has been treasure/ pirates. Any fantastic ideas would be much appreciated. Thank you Andrea
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5180, -
End Of Year Reports
by Guest- 7 replies
My Reception end of year reports are really jaded. Any suggestions or help please? How much do other people write? The funniest comment I heard from a friend was Woodwork - a waste of wood (Yes, it was a long time ago.) Any other funny comments to cheer me up while I am beavering away. Thanks