School Curriculum and General issues
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Info For Year 1
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all I was wondering what information you pass onto your year 1 teachers. In the past we have passed up a writing assessment, and inidivdual profile records (a4 sheet of all scale points) for teachers to see the points hich have not been achieved with us. We also send a brief summary of the child (info on personality, favourite activities, any info new teacher may need on family circumstances etc..) this year we will also be sending letters and sounds phases info however our year 1 teachers say if they are honest they dont have time to look at all the info - what do you send up are we sending too much? Thanks Lola
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
Maths Area ?
by Guest- 2 replies
HI I am looking into how to improve my learning environment and am looking into my maths shelves. I am currently in a class that has a maths shelf - 3 shelves with maths resources on with one of those small tables in front where children can work on.... The shelf will include sorting, counting and pattern resources as well as other maths equipment - number lines, jigsaws and games, abacus etc We are limited for space in class with those shelves and am considering changing the maths shelf to be used to promote another area to display resources as I feel that children to not readily choose resources from this shelf - and it ends up being more of a storage for adults…
by Guest- 10 replies
Which digraphs do you teach your reception children. we follow the jolly phonics timetable but have been asked by year 1 teachers to only teach sh, th, ch next year
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 9 replies
I just really want to get everyones views and opinion as to when nursery children should join a Reception class. This is because in my setting it is getting earlier and earlier and I am worried we are not meeting the youngest children's needs. Previously older nursery children joined Reception in September, younger children in January. This changed last year with all nursery children joining Reception in September with younger children only attending the morning for the first term. This year all the nursery children will be joining Reception in September and staying for the whole day I do not think this is right we hear all the time that starting fromal education…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 25 replies
I'm thinking about new ways to organise things in my reception class next year (we're one form entry) and I'm wondering about whether to ditch joining Y1 and Y2 for playtime. In my last school (3 form entry and nursery) we had no playtime as the children had free flow access to the outdoor area for the majority of the day (except at carpet times) and had such a strong play-based curriculum we didn't feel they needed a playtime with the rest of the infant school. I would like to do this next year as it would free up a surprising amount of time on our timetable. This would mean we wouldn't be so frantic to get our phonics, focus activities, maths session, storytime, observa…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Foundation Leader And Ofsted
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Its me again!!!! only just posted a question, but here I go again. My head has informed me that we have an early years specialist in the team coming on tuesday. She wants to interview me for 30 minutes. I have been the FL since January and have taught in early years for 5 years. I AM confidant in my area but when faced with an inspector not so sure now. Does anybody have any idea what she might question me about? HELPPPPPPP!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Target Tracker
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi, We have recently begun using target tracker and although it is very useful we are finding it hard to find the time to update it regularly. I want to buy PDA's (hand held mini computers) to get us to use it more regularly but during our training they didn't seem that easy to use and we opted to wait a while until we were more familiar with TT. I have requested several PDA's for next year but the head is questioning the need for them. I think it will be great because all the photos we normally take with the digital camera will be automatically added to childrens' files when we download the PDA. However, having not really used them much I can't hand on heart say th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
New Entrants Meetng
by Guest- 17 replies
Hi, next week is our new entrants meeting. I am doing a ten minute talk on what the Foundation Stage is. I know the sort of thing to say, but just wondered if anyone had any notes already written up which would give me a structure to follow. I was just about to start doing this and thought that one of you lovely people might save me the time. If you have this I would really appreciate a copy! Thanks Vicki
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Gardening Club
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all i am wanting to set up a gardening club in my school. Ideally a would like: an area for wild flowers an area for growing food a plant area an area with some kind of seating - maybe to use as a circle time area in nice weather an area to make a sound path an area for bird houses etc... I was wondering if anyone had set one up in their school. I would be very greatful for any other ideas you may have or tips. Also if anyone knows of any funding which might be available. Many thanks Lola x
- 6 replies
Which one do you use and do you like it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,