School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Moving Between Classes
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Just a quick question to any 2 form entry schools out there regarding moving between Reception classroom We are a 2 form intake school with 2 Reception classes adjacent to each other - with shared toilets and outdoor area. We do not ( unfortunately ! ) have a shared central area for messy activities, which would be great. We currently have 2 classes set up with the same areas of provision - maths, writing area, creative area, easels, role-play, reading, construction, small world, water etc We are weighing up the idea of setting the 2 classrooms up differently to allow for bigger areas - for example 1 class with water, 1 with sand, 1 with creative table …
Persil Net Activity
by Guest- 4 replies
hi, I found lots of those Persil washing nets in my cupboard in school, i remember someone telling me an activity with these in the water tray but cant think of it naymore was wondering if anybody cud help me thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Good Outdoor Resources
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Improving provision in Early Years is finally on our School Improvement Plan and I have been asked to investigate good quality outdoor provision. We are a one form entry school and do not have a very big outdoor area, there is no room for expansion as we look out onto the main playground and are having a new hall built right next door to us!!! We also have problems with storage and cannot leave anything that is not nailed down out over night. So I am looking for some ideas for good valuable outdoor provision ideas. Look forward to hearing all your wonderful ideas. Liz
Home Visits
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all We have decided to offer Parents / new entrants, a home visit during the first two weeks of the new academic year. I was wondering if anyone has any information or perhaps a letter informing the parents about the benefits of Home visits, that they would be willing to share. I am brain dead at the moment So any information that you offer will be gratefully received We have our new parents evening next I need to compose something by then. Thanks again Cwumbs
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Teaching 'oo' Sound
by Guest- 6 replies
Do you teach the short oo sound (book) and the long oo sound (moon) together or seperately over 2 days? Think this is what I am going to do when Ofsted are in but not sure whether to do them together or not. Please reply asap!!!!! Thanks!! Any fab ideas of how you taught it would be great too, but the Letters and Sounds dvd has given me some starters
Mixed Reception And Year 1
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all, I could do with some advice please on how to tackle an issue within my school. In September, we are having 2 reception classes. 1 will have 10 of my current YR children (who were the January intake of this academic year) and some reception and I will have the other half of the reception intake and the whole of the January intake. My problem is... (I've already started a thread on my position so won't go into that one again, but briefly I am FS co-ord in sept, but staff not being told) anyway...the 2 teachers who will be job sharing the other class are obsessed with the Y1 children and I've hit a brick wall with how to resolve the situation. Th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
Need Some Advice
by Guest- 18 replies
Well...(sorry to jump on this thread!) I would appreciate some advice. I have been reception teacher at my current school since April 2007, where I went as an NQT covering maternity leave, I have since been made permanent though (which I'm thrilled with!). I worked as a nursery nurse for 6 years in a foundation stage unit as part of a primary school and trained to become a teacher part time for the last 5 years of this job so I have nearly 10 years experience of working within the FS. Anyway, I have worked really hard on preparations for the EYFS to make sure I am doing everything I should be doing, the school should be doing and the opportunties the children should…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
Advice Needed Please...
by Guest- 3 replies
I have started another topic with this as I jumped in on someone elses thread when they were asking about playtimes - sorry! I have been reception teacher at my current school since April 2007, where I went as an NQT covering maternity leave, I have since been made permanent though (which I'm thrilled with!). I worked as a nursery nurse for 6 years in a foundation stage unit as part of a primary school and trained to become a teacher part time for the last 5 years of this job so I have nearly 10 years experience of working within the FS. Anyway, I have worked really hard on preparations for the EYFS to make sure I am doing everything I should be doing, the school shou…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Unicef Day For Change
by Guest- 1 reply
Next week we are holding a day with the theme of water for the event of Unicef day for change. We need to decide what we would like to do and the children in school are going to choose which teacher and activities they would like to do. Each teacher has to think of an activity that they can differentiate for Early years, KS1 and KS2. So having only taught Reception for most of my teaching career I am starting to panic. Any ideas would be much appreciated particulalry any stories about the theme of water?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
- 2 replies
Hi again Just re-jigging my FS file to make sure it addresses the EYFS principles etc and would be greatful for your input. Have got these sections so far (am subject leader for 6 subjects and have 6 files, so am worried in my confusion, that i might have missed something) Please let me know if you think they are not necessary or I've missed anything out! Policies, School Improvement for FS, EYFS/ECM links, Health and Safety/Welfare Requirements, Moderation, Planning and Assessment, Observations, Scrutiny of 'work', Transition Arrangements, Parents As Partners, Staff Development/CPD, EYFS meetings with staff, Governors, other professionals (da…