School Curriculum and General issues
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Bug Trays
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I was at an EY meeting last week and a few people were talking about making a bug tray out of their old water/sand trays. they did explain how to do this but I have forgotten. Does anyone have any ideas or indeed has made one themselves? All ideas would be much appreciated. Liz
Water/road Safety Posters
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, We are looking for some water safety/road safety posters for Reception to use next term and wondered if anyone had a good source to get them from...for free preferably!!! Rospa have some on their website at £3 + each which we can get if all else fails but I'm hoping that someone will know where to find some freebies!! Thanks Han
- 10 replies
Ofsted are conducting their annual survey on the satisfaction of both registered childcare providers and parents with the inspection and regulation service. There are questionnaires for newly registered childcare providers, recently inspected childcare providers, and parents of children in childcare settings. If you'd like your say(!) you can download the forms at Closing date for responses is 4 April 2008 Enjoy! Nona
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
We're Going On A Bear Hunt
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi! I am going to be reading We're Going on a Bear Hunt this week and I would like to make the role play area into a cave. I have never done this sort of role play before, usually having something more specific e.g. weather centre, castle etc..Does anyone have any good tips as to how to create a 'cave' and also i am now wondering what we can actually do in there. I intend to involve the children in the planning of this as well but it would be good if I had some ideas up my sleeve too! Hope someone out there will be able to help - thanks!
Letters And Sounds
by Guest- 11 replies
Dear all I have to do a presentation to promote the use of phase 1 from letters and sounds to pre-school settings. Any ideas on how to describe the phase so it will motivate the staff to use it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Transport Literacy Activities
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, I'm doing Transport this half term (8 weeks - ahhh!) and wondered if anyone had any good literacy adult-led focus activities that they would be willing to share? My texts for the half term are.... Whatever Next! Rattletrap Car Bear on a Bike Duck in a Truck Train Ride The Tide Dig Dig Digging Any others? Also, any good transport poems? My issue is that a lot of the books relating to the topic are a variation of a theme, i.e. either rhyming books or repetitive language stories. Do you think I should not keep so focused on my topic and include traditional stories etc. I guess I could have a couple of weeks looking at non-fiction books on …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9574, -
- 4 replies
Hi hope eveyone has had a fantastic Easter! I am about to start a new topic on Plants and Flowers next week. I am the Nusrery teacher in an Early Years Unit and so we share the computers that we have. I am really struggling to find websites realted to the topic with interactive activities for the children. The computers are accessible for the children as part of continuous provision so ideally I would like some activities that thye can do on their own and also adult focussed. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Getting Ready For School
by Guest- 10 replies
I have been asked to do a 4 week course for parents - helping your child to get ready for school. Has anyone any experience of this. I have been asked to do something like 1 week maths activities 1 reading etc. Any ideas anyone?
High Frequency Words
by Guest- 2 replies
I have a Summer born boy in my Year 1 class who just doesnt seem to be able to remember how to read or spell high frequency words. He was also in my class for Reception and during last year and this year he has picked up about 5 words that he can read on sight - he can blend words fine. He can consistently spell 'to' but that is about it. I have tried alsorts of different activities - inside and out but seemingly to no avail. His mum is also doing loads with him at home. Any ideas would be extremely helpful as I have exhausted all my ideas now. Thanks in anticipation sunbeam
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 4 replies
hi all, just joined this forum and wondered if i could ask your advice... i have an interview on weds for a reception class teacher post and have been asked to do a 20 min literacy session with the reception class - they have left it very open ended! so this is what i came up with last night... read the story of 'we're going on a bear hunt' with the chn, getting them to join in with all the relevant bits (swishy swashy etc!) then bring out a postcard which i tell the chn has been sent to them - i will say its from the chn in the story and it will say something about they want to go back to the bear cave (not sure of a reason why for this bit though, maybe because …