School Curriculum and General issues
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Safari Week!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hey guys i need some inspiration - the children have decided that we will be having a safari week next week and have loads of ideas from different posts but am stuck for maths development - ideally we need to focus on more and less or addition. Please help!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Africa And All That
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, Every year our school devotes a whole week to some kind of 'excellence and enjoyment' curriculum type thing!? In the past we've done, Creative Arts Week and Literacy Week. We throw the whole timetable out across the whole school (2form entry plus a nursery) and plan the whole week together so that all the children get to work collaboratively... it's quite a task to organise, but the outcome is always stupendous! anyhow, to cut a long story short, this year we're doing a Multicultural week, and the FS have decided to base their week around Africa. Does anyone have any ideas, know any good visitors, websites etc that we could pursue? We need to get the…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 1 reply
My CLL sessions are quite uninspired at the moment, was wondering if anyone had generic ideas for teacher directed group activities ( independent or with an adult!) (year R.)Tend to do mainly sequencing or acting out story. Any thoughts/ ideas? Thanks in anticipation Ruth
Some Advice About Year 1 Please
by Guest- 7 replies
Im teaching Year 1 after Easter and I would like to know what other Year 1 teachers do in terms of structure of the day and timetable. Also how is the classroom set up? Do you have areas like in reception? In the classroom at the moment there is a role play area and a bookcase! the rest of the space is taken up with tables.
Writing Area
by Guest- 9 replies
Hello, I am thinking of changing the layout of my writing area to entice a few more of the boys inside. I saw a brief video on Teachers TV where a school has converted their writing area into a car. Has anyone else done this? If so, have you got any hints or tips on how to get started? Would you let the children design and make it? Glittery :-)
Letters And Sounds 1 2
by Guest- 39 replies
been on a course today for letters and sounds- think it looks really good. Has anyone used it yet - had a go at any of the activities? if so what did you think?
Special Needs/other Websites
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello all, Having just received some great tips after posting my first question on here, I thought I'd try and reciprocate with a couple of websites I've found useful. Perhaps most of you are already aware of these and I'm stating the obvious, but anyway! - great for PMLD - nice touch screen activities creating pictures and music and some more advanced activities. - a new site with loads of stuff including a section for PMLD (there's a great link here to an ORT story-making programme in the English section... Thanks for all the great ideas I've gained from this site so far! Jenona
Counting Train?
by Guest- 14 replies
Hello... Firstly, what a useful site this has been in my first year of teaching special needs at Primary level! I hope to be able to reciprocate soon by sharing some of my own ideas and finds when I begin to generate some more original stuff! I recently tried to order something called a "counting train" from an educational suppliers ( are we allowed to mention names here?!) and was told it had been discontinued. Basically it was a large wooden train with a series of carriages which you could count wooden people into - great for addition/counting on etc. I've done a few searches but can't find this available anywhere else...does anyone else know where I ca…
- 4 replies
Hi I work in a small Preschool and we are now thinking about the transition of our children starting school in September. I wonder if any of you Reception teachers would mind telling me of any common problems you have come across with children when they first start school? Also, any advice for reassuring parents who worry about their child not being ready for school (can't write their name etc) . Thanks very much
- 3 replies
Hi can anyone tell me or has anyone got a template of a transition book that is used for children to take over to school. I manage three private day care provisions that feed in to a few different schools so a template that would be suitable for most receptions would be great.