School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Ancient Greece - leading to Olympics
by Guest- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi Everyone, Happy Saturday!! I am being observed for 45 mins teaching year one for a job post on Monday. The theme is Ancient Greece - leading on to the Olympics (as on Friday it will be linked to their sports day event) I am trying to think of enhancements for the areas. The children are year one, I am the third person teaching that day so want to do something different (even considering wearing a toga) Going to put a 'toga teddy' in the book nook with Zeus challenge card to read non fiction books to teddy, role play reading, etc Sand -laminated Olympia cards and post it notes, stones etc with Zeus challenge card'Can you build Olympia?' 'What woul…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Open university course
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Everyone I a, quite new to the forum and looking for advice, I currently work as a family support worker in Early years. However, I am currently doing a degree through in the Open University at the hope of eventually becoming a teacher. I am doing a BA in Early Year and have just finised E105 and starting Child Development next year which is a level 2 module. I just wondered if anyone took a similar path, and if anyone doubled up there modules and studies two at a time. I am just exploring my options as I really want to finish the degree as soon as I can, I have 4 years left at the OU and will then be applying to do my PGCE ( I hope). Any advice would be really hel…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38881, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Has anyone teaching in Reception classes had a discussion about the content and possible format of their reports for this year? I have struggled to make mine manageable while reporting on all 17 areas and am trying to make it parent friendly. If it's not informative for the parents then there is not much point. Please send some advice this way! Also recent moderation training stated that the ELGs are part of the 40-60 band and not a separate band of attainment. Consequently all my class will achieve the ELGs but the summer birthdays will probably be emerging. Does this sound right?
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Etiquette when responding to topics
by Guest LornaW- 9 replies
Ok so I am a grumpy old woman and I'm now semi-retired and have time but it would be lovely if people would let us know how things go or what they did do when they ask for ideas for interviews & observations. It would make it feel more like a two way process! Moan over have a well deserved half term everyone and try and find some 'you' time in all that report writing! LornaW
Independent maths ideas
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi, I feel I am running out of ideas. I want my children to access the maths area more independently. Has anyone got any ideas in relation to addition and subtraction activities. I would love some inspiration. Thanks :mellow:
Consultation on NC disapplication for 1 year
by Guest LornaW- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hope all KS1/2 teachers have seen this LornaW
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
One of my staff has suggested doing a multicultural display. She was suggesting something along the lines of a simple map of the world and then pins in the countries that our children are from and their photos perhaps. Would this be a good idea? I don't know how it would work with children who were perhaps born in Britain but their family originates from another country. And also it wouldn't be possible to have all the British children on their too. Any thoughts?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9844, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
As of September I'll be teaching a class of R/1/2 after having spent six years teaching 4/5/6 (not all at once) in a different school! I have no idea how I will manage with such a range of years/abilities or how I'll settle back into EY so I thought I would join you people here. Any advice/must haves/anything at all?! Thanks
The Literacy Shed
by Guest LornaW- 4 replies
I don't know how many of you have seen this website but it is truly excellent! Loads of ideas for all ages and for those in Reception and KS1 some good ideas to develop writing. Do have a look but make sure you have lots of time as it is addictive! Enjoy! LornaW
Last reply by AnonyMouse_45216, -
- 0 replies
Hi, just a little question about foundation subject co-ordination. Just wondering what evidence you have in your file to show the attainment within your subject area. The teacher's in my school are very against "going back to tick-sheets" for every curriculum area but I need something in my file to show attainment in music. I have some sound-clips for evidence and the skills that children in each year group are learning. I also have on-entry, end of FS, KS1 and KS2 levels but not much else! HELP! Green Hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562,