School Curriculum and General issues
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Literacy/ Numeracy In Reception
by Guest heleng- 1 reply
I am currently looking at our FS planning and observation sheets for Reception and Nursery as we have an NQT starting after Easter, the EYFS is coming in and I have only been in FS since September! I need to get my head around any changes and how it will all work. I feel that the current timetable I work to and the balance of adult focus activity is very literacy/ numeracy heavy. We have 3 adult led short carpet sessions a day, after assembly, after play and after lunch. The first session of adult input is literacy, the second numeracy and the third music, art or knowledge and understanding. In each of the sessions there is an adult focused activity based on the…
- 5 replies
Anyone have a 3 billy goat gruff sequencing worksheet or links? Thanks Dee x x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Hearing Children Read
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Sure it has been discussed before but I can't find it! How often do you hear individual readers in Reception and how do you fit them in to the manic Reception timetable? Hoping someone has a magic solution!! Thanks
Phonics Planning
by Guest- 29 replies
I've just come back from a training course on Early Reading in line with the Rose report findings. We've spent the day being trained on the new expectations of phonic delivery. Well, we've been given a whole load of paperwork highlighting the expected teaching across years reception and year one. Very heavy, fast and challenging - especially as my class are second language learners themselves. I was wondering whether anyone had actually done any planning related to this faster approach to phonics and was willing to share it? I'd appreciate some sort of guidance as to how and when you approach some of the aspects related to the new phases please! Your help woul…
Help Number Recognition
by Guest- 9 replies
Please help i am at an utter loss after teaching nearly 16 years!!! At the moment I am in Reception and have a group of children who just have no idea of number recognition up to 5. I don`t know how many other ways I can think of doing activities - the pupils are just so poor nothing is having any impact and we are now half way through the year. They are all on SEN register but I could just do with someone suggesting a great activity that myself or TA might not have thought of. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Home School Agreement
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello, we are in the process of updating our home/school agreement and I was wondering if anyone else would be kind enough to share examples that they have for the foundation stage and Key Stage 1. We are happy with what is in place for Key Stage 2 but would like to make it a little more user friendly for the little people. Thanks in advance for your help
Bubble Printing
by Guest- 4 replies
does anyone know the best quantities of paint/bubble mixture/water for bubble printing. I want to do some with my children tomorrow but when I practised after school it was very runny and didn't really work. Is there a magic quanity or ratio?
End Of Year Expectations For Parents
by Guest whizzbang- 0 replies
I have just met with all of my parents again, one of my parents was very keen to be given the whole of the FS document to make sure that she is teaching her daughter everything at home! I used to have a document that had the basic expectations in parent speak for the end of FS - I cant remember if I made it or it was a leafl4et given to me, in anycase I cant find it anywhere . . . so does anybody have something i could hand out to my parents, the kind of thing that says in Mathematical development children should be able to ________________ I would be really really grateful! - would save me lots of time thankyou
Reception Year 1 Class
by Guest- 5 replies
i ahve a mixed year 1 reception class i am looking for advice on how best to run the class - do i divide the children into groups & work with one group each session? i have some support & have to to do guided reading with all the children twice a week - suggestions please
Butterfly Eggs
by Guest- 7 replies
A couple of years ago I got some butterfly eggs from a company. we then got to watch them grow and change- the kids loved it. I can't remember what the name of the company was- any ideas? Thanks! (I know its not quite time but I'm trying to be organised for next term!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,