School Curriculum and General issues
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- 6 replies
Hi Does anyone know where I can purchase a drama/musical play for a KS1 club? I want a script and a Cd with music if possible. I've looked on 'Out of the ark' but it seems to mainly have Christmas productions. I've also looked on MagicParrot productions. Are there any other sites / publishers?
Dressing Up As A Book Character!
by Guest- 2 replies
Book week is fast approaching and we have been asked to dress up as a children's book character... arghh!! any ideas would be appreciated - my mind has gone blank!! Suggestions for costumes would be great too! x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760, -
Action Rhyme
by Guest- 1 reply
I have been told I must plan a unit of work from the new literacy strategy. As we haven't done any poetry yet (other than nursery rhymes!) I thought I'd do Overview 5 - Action rhymes. Can anyone who has planned from the new strategy give me any ideas. How long should the unit last - I'm thinking 2 weeks. Also, which action rhymes and how many? Can't say I feel madly inspired at the moment, so any ideas would be gratefully received.
Handwriting In Reception Class
by Guest- 16 replies
Just wondering how other people manage to cover this in their timetable. Do you teach handwriting as a whole class, in small groups, on a one-to-one? We teach children the cursive script which can be a nightmare at times - especially teaching f, k, z. I would like to squeeze in more small group or 1 to 1 sessions at least 3 times a week or even better daily but don't know how to fit it in. The parents are very supportive and help their child at home. Just to say we have tracing patterns and letter cards out alot as an independent activity, but I think it is important children get teacher input on a 1 to 1 to make sure they are holding the pencil properly, and forming …
by Guest- 4 replies
Just wondering what people use in the way of handwriting sheets (if any). I'm looking for something to do alongside the letter formation we do in the sand tray/on wall with water etc. The scheme we use at school has really boring sheets that do not interest the children! Thanks.
Mothering Sunday?
by Guest- 10 replies
I am about to start a 6 week space topic which i have loads of ideas... however mothering sunday falls in week two and am stuck for a space style card? "Mum your out of this world" is as far as ive got. any thoughts?
Reception Class Are Poor Questioners
by Guest tinkerbell- 11 replies
My class love listening to stories .They take home Floppy and Mog and re tell amazing imaginative stories to the class.BUT when the class ask questions they haven't listened to what the children have been saying, they are very poor at this...I am working on this questioning . Does anyone have advice? Thanks Tinkerbellx
- 7 replies
Hi everyone just wondered if anyone knows about a new initiative, which i understand has been aimed at primary schools, but may be offered to early years called 'sing up' our 'music lady' who visits our setting to deliver a session told me about it, but ive not received any informationas yet.
Early Reading And Phonics Policy
by Guest- 10 replies
hi all i've just joined the forum and thought i'd give it a shot to see if someone on here has already created the wheel on which i was just about to embark on creating!! i've recently had the pleasure of being given the title early reading and phonics co-ordinator in my primary school, and yup i've got to write a policy!! i would be so grateful if anyone has got a phonics/reading policy they are happy to share with me. thank you all missf x p.s: theres some fantastic stuff on here, have downloaded so many interesting ideas...thank u all for being so kind and sharing!!
Phonics Resources
by Guest- 7 replies
Can anyone help? I am looking for some good phonics software for the interactive whiteboard. Do you have a good programme which you use please? Thanks. Ann.