School Curriculum and General issues
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- 2 replies
Hi, raising children's achievement in reading is one of our targets. I was wondering if anyone has any good target sheets for reading that can be used by all staff to help them make useful and focused comments on children's reading skills and then identify next steps. Thanks Mel C
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Year 2 Forum?
by Guest- 2 replies
I thought there was a Year 2 forum, but i can't find one. I'm just asking because I know a Year 2 teacher who was thinking of joining. Did I imagine it?
Phonic Groups Across R And Ks1
by Guest- 3 replies
In my LA the advisors are pushing the teaching of the daily phonics session in ability groups across classes. I have been asked to set this up as part of my performance mangement. I was just wondering if those people who have tried this could give me any potential issues arising from this and anything you would have done differently when you first started this approach. We are probably going to have 7 or 8 groupings across 3 classes (R, Year One and poor ability Year 2). Obviously the timetabling and space and resourcing issues are going to have to be ironed out but was wondering more about the planning, assessing and keeping track of all children. Also, what happe…
Picture For Wiriting
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, Has anyone got any pictures or a site where I can get some pictures, to inspire writing for Reception children. e.g. cat sitting on a mat, a red car on the road etc. Thanks Flowerxxxxxxxxxx
Tracking Children
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I work in a foundation area 42 reception, 20 nursery chn and 29 year 1. We want to track the chn so at the end of the week we know exactly which areas they have been in. We have tried putting coloured pegs on the chn sweatshirts and then they transfer them onto a card and then a sheet for the week at the end of the day but this is time consuming. We just want to be able to see the whole week for each child (just concentrating on Rec and Year 1) and monitor where they are going. Anybody got a good system? Thanks
by Guest- 7 replies
Our topic at the moment is snow and ice- I have built an igloo in my class, so very happy. I am also looking at polar bears with the kids- hence being able to help with the request for polar bear resources. BUT, can I find much on penguins? NO, so I thought to myself- 'I know my friends on the forum will be able to help me..' over to you guys- know any sites that can tell us about penguins aimed at 4 year olds? Thank you
Help-how Do We Fit It All In?
by Guest- 1 reply
Help, Does anyone have a copy of thir weekly timetable that i can look at please. I cant see how to fit everthing in. How do people organise their day- self-reg, family groups, phonics, lit, num, kuw....the list goes on. we have changed our timetable so many times its untrue.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Simple Grammatical Structures
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, I'm sorry if i'm asking a silly question but what simple grammatical structures are reception children expected to know? How do other people cover this point from the EYFS?
- 1 reply
I am in the process of changing my daily/weekly structure/planned activities. I was finding that I never had any time to sit back and watch my children, do observations, and enjoy teaching them. there was always something I hadn't done or a group i hadn't managed to work with. So as of tomorrow I am doing a phonics session (20 mins) followed by dedicated guided reading time (I found I never had enough time to hear each group over the week!) everyday. Thats after morning play. Before morning play- on 3 days a have a good chunk of time to devote to either literacy or numeracy. On the other days I have an ICT slot and a PE slot. One afternoon I have another PE slot, le…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone have some suggestions on keeping my noisy class of 6 year olds quiet? I have mostly boys in my class this year and they seem to shout at each other They get louder and louder. I clap to get their attention, and then talk softly to them. I have told them about our indoor voices, this doesn’t really help. Please help. thanks