School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Play To Learn Morning
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, just wondered if you could help! I'm due to run a 'Play to Learn' morning at my school next week and I've never been involved in one before. What sort of activities could/should there be? So far I've prepared: bags of soil sand/water large building bricks painting
Weather Boxes
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi I thought a great resource for outdoors would be weather boxes to just grab and go!!!! Would anyone be willing to share contents and activities?? I have some ideas but i am sure that you lovely people have lots more Thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 11 replies
Anyone got any planning or ideas for a pirates theme please? Children love pirates so we've chosen it as the whole school theme for book week.. would love to find a theatre company who would come to visit us with a pirate themed production. Anyway your ideas would be greatly appreciated! Can't wait till Bookweek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanking you in anticipation Moo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 13 replies
Just working through new letters and sounds and the whole school had an inset on phonics. We have a huge staff made up of lots of TAs and just need to explain the terminology so everyone explains correctly to the children. Therefore could anyone explain simply what are phonemes graphemes digraphs clusters etc Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Winter Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 4 replies
HI EVERYONE I have posted on the forum about this topic not so long ago and got some fab ideas i just wondered wether anyone would be willing to share their medium term planning on this topic. I am still struggling a bit with role play indoor/outdoor. Thanks Sandra
Reception Pe
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Everyone Im new to FSF-hope you can help me! Im a reception teacher and I am struggling for ideas for PE. Most of our physical development activities so far have been carried out in our outdoor provision. However, our new head teacher has asked for it to be more formal; children in school PE kit in the hall etc. I have been given no money to buy in a scheme of work and so far I have found online planning for Reception PE very scarce! I am currently doing a dinosaur theme and think it may be nice to somehow link this into my PE????? We do have the usual gym equipment in the hall-benches, mats, horse, climbing frames etc but nothing special at all! If anyone has any pl…
- 0 replies
Hello, Can anyone help with ideas for covering Medieval times in a reception with 24 children. As a whole school we are having a Medieval week and every year group will be finding out and investigating life in Medieval times. Has anyone any ideas for activities for Reception. I've looked at the forum post titled castles and will be building castles but need some inspiration or creativity for the home corner, and other areas inside and out. I'm really stuck and haven't got long! Please help! Many Thanks Cat xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10058, -
Farm Visit Adn New Topic
by Guest- 1 reply
next 1/2 term is so short agaqin and i feel like a change. Spring 2 i normally do plants and animals, but in the 41/2 term i want to really develop our farm visit. Am thinking about doing thisngs such as visiting the supermarket to see where food 'really' comes from- any other great suggestions to build this topic on. I know someone will come up trumps thanks
- 0 replies
Hi, We are looking at artists such as Mondrian, Picasso, Pollock this term and wondered if you have any ideas of how to make an interactive game in the central area for children to play. The children loved the sensory trail i set up and after they had explored all the different textures with their feet i made it into a game by adding numbers to the different textures. A bit like a snakes and ladders game. I would like to do someting similar but with an artists theme. Any good ideas? Also any great ideas for an assembly on artists thx.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2036, -
- 5 replies
Hi Folks Yet again getting myself in a real state about the calculating stepping stone 'Compares two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number'. I think that this is extreemly hard for a 3-4 year old to achieve especially when the guidence states they have to SAY when they have the same number. Can anyone out there help me with examples of what children have said or done to achieve this in your settings? or any simple ways that you assess it. We are good at saying when there are more in a group, not so good on when there is less but hopeless on when they groups have the same. I have a wide range of ability within the nursery (39 each session and 3 staff) b…