School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Dyslexia Friendly Status
by Guest tinkerbell- 1 reply
Does anyone work in a school which has this award and were you part of the team that achieved it? My Ht has given me the job of organising this and i was wondering if there is anyone out there with advice? Thanks Tinkerbellx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Writing And Correcting Mistakes
by Guest- 19 replies
Hi all alot of my children are now beginning to write - i have 2 who like to write independently, some who like me to dictate things to them to write and some who are just happy to mark make and put meaning to it. My question is about those who are writing - when hey are sounding out words for example house they will ask me how to spell it - i tell them to sound it out and writie the sounds they can hear so they then say to me hws is that right? at the moment i am saying 'if there the sounds you can hear then write them down - well done. When we then read through the work together i will correct one or two spelling mistakes - i dont want to correct them all as i am real…
- 3 replies
A couple of months ago I came across some high frequency words/letters/digraphs on flowers that were made of plastic (i think). They were designed to be screwed to walls/fences outside. I have laminated some to use but they don't last and was looking for some more permenant ones. I can't remember where I saw them. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Rewards/sanctions During Assemblies
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi, In the past at our school only the head/deputy and some members of the SMT have taken regular assemblies however from Jan I will be taking an assembly for the 3FS classes and the 3 KS1 classes each week. I have taken a few assemblies in the past and although they haven't been terrible I have noticed that the children (particularly the Year 2 children who I haven't had in my class) aren't as well behaved during my assembly as they are in the head and deputies. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to suitable rewards during assemblies other than verbal praise, eye contact, etc. Additionally, if a particular child or group of children were playing up what wou…
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone advise me of the best way to manage groups throughout the day. I am knew to Reception and I have 4 groups of children. It is my understanding that we have to introduce 5 phonemes per week. To do this I was intending to provide 3 activities ( one of which a phonics sheet for the first sound) and 3 other activities relating to that sound. I would then change the groups each day until all groups had completed each task. If I do this how can I introduce another sound before all groups have completed the first phonics sheet, as it will take 4 days for each group to do each task? I hope this doesn't sound too confusing. Any help would be appreciated.
- 5 replies
Hi all, I joined a while a go, but this is my first attempt at a post, so here goes. I am a reception teacher and am trying to reorganise my timetable, but my head is very concerned about having the right amount of timetabled PE, RE and Science. There are two reception classes, but we are very much lumped into KS1 and I am fighting to be seen as foundation, not KS1. Obviously these subjects fall into the 6 areas. I think that KS1 and 2 have to have a certain amount of PE etc. a week, but does this apply to reception? Many thanks. Jacq250
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10338, -
Polar Bears
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone know of any online resources about polar bears? In particular I am looking for information that we can use to answer some of the questions the children have come up with themselves. Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Pgce Interview Tips
by Guest- 2 replies
My friend has an interview coming up for an early years PGCE course and I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas what kind of questions she may be asked, or any other worth while tips that may help? Cheers
- 1 reply
Happy new year to you all! Just wondering if anyone has ever run a maths workshop in reception? I've got to do one as part of my performance management and am thinking of ways to present it to the parents. I have the actual workshop sorted, its about improving calculating skills as thats our whole school issue, but am not sure how to present it in 'parent speak'?? Any ideas would be gladly received! Thanks Catherine xxx
Parents Newsletter
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, Can someone kindly help me please, was wandering if anyone has an example of a parents newsletter, e.g. what we will learn during term etc for reception. Thanks Flowerxxxxxx