School Curriculum and General issues
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- 9 replies
Hi everyone, For our calendars this year, we have taken a photo of each child in their christmas play costume. I am going to mount the photo on some lovely card and then attach the calendar to the bottom. I really wanted the children to decorate round the edge to make a frame for the picture, but I need some inspiration on really lovely ways to do it! Any ideas would be very, very welcome! Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Eyfs Profile Scales Booklet
by Guest- 2 replies
Dear Colleagues, I wonder if someone out there is a step ahead of me. I am a newly appointed Head of Foundation in a special scholl (Autistic; PMLD, Complex needs) working in Birmingham, and have been studying the new EYFS closely, and need some clarification regarding Assessment. Page 13 (2.11) of the document suggests a range of assessment tools. Has anyone used any of the suggested tools. Are any schools already using The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) or eProfile? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Revised Els
by Guest- 1 reply
Has anyone seen this? Was supposed to be out in the Autumn Term, so now I'm not sure whether to carry on with old ELS as it is usually done after Christmas and need to do the screening, or wait and hope revised document is out next week!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Trout In The Classroom
by Guest- 20 replies
Hi there, Just wondered if any of you wonderful people could give me some inspiration please. Next term we are very lucky to have been chosen to take part in the Trout in the Classroom project. We are going to nurture some Trout eggs (fry) and then release them into a local river. The project will last three months. This is to help replenish stocks which were lost due to an overkill last year. I am very excited about the whole project, but just wondered if anyone has used topics such as Under the Sea, In the River etc. in their settings and would be willing to share their ideas. Thanks
Child Initiated Learning
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello, I am after some help again. I am currently in debate about what is child initiated and what is not. How a setting works towards developing child initiated planning/set up. I am sorry this is such an open question but thought that way I could really get people's views cause in my LA we seem to never get an agreed answer - all very matter of opinion. Thanks in anticipation for your posts. Vikkim
Sound Rhythm & Rhyme
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi - does anybody have any contact details for a company (who would be able to come to Birmingham) we can contact to come in & run some workshops for our nursery classes based around the theme - sound, rhythm & rhyme???????
- 4 replies
Hi, I am looking for some advice please - As a School we are in need of making sure we are setting children targets, we used to do this years ago but it wasn't done properly so we are now doing it again properly. We are going to do 'must', 'should' and 'could' for our targets. I am interested to know what other reception classes do. As a school we are taking on this, having target display boards with the targets displayed and KS1 and KS2 are having a display where children can see that they are meeting the target, such as a dart board, names or pictures moving. Personally I feel this is not really appropriate for young children as difficult for self esteem etc so ear…
Autistic Spectrum Disorders!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi there Just looking for some advice. The prob is that i am new ish to England from north of the border and am not sure of the way to approach this. Got a little 4 year old who has aspergers and dyspraxia (not diagnosed yet) He was assessed by an early years Ed Psych and has got 15 hours funding for a TA prior to starting reception. i am quite experienced in dealing with ASD and have been quite happy dealing with him so far. I have written a referral letter to his GP and the school nurse. He should be having Speech Therapy, Occupational therapy and should be attending some kind of Saliva Control clinic as well as possibly receiving some kind of specialist tea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, i'm tryin to write the spring term medium term planning for the topic of people who help us/ mind is blank due to just practising the nativity play and realising how wonderfully awful it is! So I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas or even better..planning to save whats left of my poor brain! Any ideas welcome, thankyou!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6593, -
Nativity Story
by Guest- 2 replies
Does anyone know of a simple online version of the nativity story with language appropriate for Reception?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,