School Curriculum and General issues
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by Guest- 4 replies
Could you please describe to me how you explain what a sentence is to 4-5 year olds.
- 15 replies
I teach in an inner city Nursery class. Our outdoor area is a tarmac slab with a slide on some bark area. We also have a wooden play house. Because our school is an old Victorian building, our part of the playground is sectioned from the main yard, but it is also a thorough-fare for the rest of the school to get to their classrooms at the beginning and end of the day. We cannot set up activities before school as things just disappear or get spoilt. We have very little outdoor storage or space for storage. If we try adapting our play house for role play, things also go missing, and we are really fed up with spending time and effort, only to have things messed up. …
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all can anyone point me in the right direction for some activites for colour. spending a week or so on it in our reception class. Nedd to cover the six areas and can bring in anything to support light and celebration too. Have thought of the usual such as Elmer, colour mixing etc but need to really extend my able childrne now. i know i can rely on you all. PS did fireworks this week. 2 activited we did were great. 1 we cut out firework shapes and stuck them to the outdoor whiteboard and then the chn flicked paint at them ( spray bottles had broken) looked really cool. 2. Chn cut out a firework shape and stuck it on to back paper they then used glitter finger …
Underachievement Of Boys
by Guest- 14 replies
Morning all! Got out FSP data back from the Borough yesterday in a format which, for the first time ever, I could understand. Had a look through and got a really bad shock. Our boys are lagging behind the girls in every single strand and by a significant amount. Our school is pretty much on a par with other primary schools in our group and just under national averages. We do operate free flow in Reception - the children are free to play outside or in any of the other Reception classrooms after the first forty minutes in the morning. We plan for the indoor and outside areas and the learning objectives are the same in both but we knew anyway that the girls are always k…
- 4 replies
Supporting children learning English as an additional language: Guidance for practitioners in the Early Years Foundation Stage PDF
- 0 replies
Sorry... the web link had been put in another post already
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Cursive Handwriting In Nursery
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi everyone, Bit of a puzzle - wondered in anyone could help! I have been contacted by one of our feeder Nurseries with regards to how we teach letter formation. We have just this year introduced cursive script throughout school, beginning in Reception. The Nursery has found out about this and are wondering how they can help, because they start to teach children how to write their names in the term before they begin school. Obviously, they don't want to teach something that I will have to un-teach and I really do appreciate their concern. Does anyone working in a Nursery/Pre-school setting have any experience of this, and could offer me any suggestions. …
Art Gallery
by Guest- 2 replies
Has FSF ever had an art gallery i.e. opportuntiy for teachers to send pictures of successful displays or art work/ models etc done by their childen? It'd be great to see what other teachers are doing.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Art Therapy
by Guest- 8 replies
I have used art therapy with children who have lost a parent. I have also used it to help emotionally disturbed children and those who have very disruptive behaviour. It is fantastic and used in the correct way can really help children who are struggling with all sorts of social aspects of school... including conforming to school rules. Art therapy is using art as a way to relax a child who may be feeling tense or stressed, or who can't find words to tell you how they feel. You have to have had training to use it effectively, but it can be used to help children who struggle academically to cope.. this can be used without training, although you do have to know what you ar…
- 25 replies
Hi all, It's been ages since i lasted posted - i haven't been able to access internet at home and i've really missed checking in seeing what everyone is upto etc.. At school we often have parents concerned as when they ask their child what they have done at school their response is usually nothing or i dont know. We want a way of letting parents know what we have been doing so they can discuss it with their children. We thought about sending out a summary sheet of what we were intending to do - each activity etc.. on monday so parents could discuss it with their child throughout the week and maybe sending home phots on a Friday - although their maybe time and cost iss…