School Curriculum and General issues
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Please Help..
by Guest- 11 replies
Please could someone help me!! I am really struggling to plan my CLLD sessions for the next half term. My topic is Celebrations and Festivals with light and dark and winter themes linked in. I do a separate phonics session. I have lots of pressure from my lit co-ordinator to follow the new literacy framework but somehow the 'topic headings' don't seem to link in with what I would like to do with the children! Please could someone doing this topic share what they are doing in their CLLD sessions - so I can feel a little more at ease? Would really appreciate your help :0)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi there everyone, This is my first time on here and im abit nervous buit im hoping that you can help me because ive been reading all of the other topics and the advice seems amazing. Im so glad that i found this site. IM an NQT in a reeption class and i am having big trouble planning my timetable. There isnt a previous one so i have to make it myself and the one i have is.......RUBBISH! I have been asked to do 5 lesons a day and i just cant make them fit? im trying to do carpet, group, plenary for each and its taking forever because each child isnt getting a turn at each activity? I know it sounds like a really stupic question but how do you guys do it? My lead teacher …
Outside Area Planning
by Guest- 11 replies
We have a chance to refurbish our outside area but, being new to foundation stage, I am not sure what sort of things to buy. I would love to look at some planning for outside areas to do with all the areas of learning so I can see what sort of things to buy. ANY ideas gratefully received... Thank you Suzy
- 7 replies
Does anyone know a song about Hansel and Gretel? Or a song that would go well with other stories? I know When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears.. The reason I am asking is because we are setting up a story telling club- we are going to invite parents to come with their children... but we want it to be more than just story telling- to make something, sing a song etc. This is a new initiative to try to encourage parents to come into school more and to be involved. We hope to have our feeder nursery schools and parents involved... any ideas appreciated.
Early Years Web Sites
by Guest- 7 replies
I have a list of early years and foundation stage web sites that I have attached to this topic. I wondered if anyone can add to this- or have some other fantastic sites they have found that they can share with all of us? I have also attached a list of places to find stories on line- some animated - some in big book format. Enjoy Suzy EARLY_YEARS_web_sites.doc Big_books_1_.doc
Dispatches- Phonics Teaching
by Guest- 29 replies
Did anyone see the C4 programme on why children can't read? I would love to know your views and whether anyone is adopting some of the ideas referred to in the programme? Suzybell
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 17 replies
Hello everyone, it's my first post! I'm doing Dear Zoo with my class next week and have just searched for resources on sparklebox, a great resources pack came up but said no longer avaliable for download! I just wondered if anyone has these resources saved on their computer that they could share with me? Or something similiar? I have found some activity ideas on the net, but wanted the lovely pictures and things! Any help would be great, thanks. MrsL
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9844, -
- 17 replies
Hello Just a thought for my latest assignment Does it mention anywhere in either the CGFS or the new EYFS what kind of routine we should be offering children? Can schools/ FSU get away with being too structured? If Ofsted come in would they critise a school/ FSu for having a Reception class which is by far too formal. and by formal i mean class based, attending assemblies, a lit hour, formal inc differentitiation nased around big book a numeracy hour, inc mental and oral, intro actviy plenary etc. break times, formal snack time with all children sitting, wthin lessons children sitting at a table for 15 minutes not allowed to move- a carouse…
Dual Language Books
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I just wondered if anyone knows where i can get some dual language books that are reasonably priced. i am after some in arabic, urdu, polish and punjabi. Thanks N
- 6 replies
Hi all Just wondering if anyone's had any thoughts on using Letters and Sounds? I've been using the Jolly Phonics resources as usual but following Letters and Sounds order and using the suggested letter sounds and some of the activities. I am just finding that things worked better when I just followed Jolly Phonics. Does anyone else feel like that? I know it's not compulsory to use letters and sounds but as we are due an ofsted, would it look bad if it wasn't being used? I also thought you were not meant to mix different programs together so surely using one is ok if I have all the resources???? sorry for lots of questions, just want to get sorted for next week