School Curriculum and General issues
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Making Friends
by Guest- 1 reply
I'm looking for ideas for a topic on 'friends' for my reception class with some 'challenging' children. Any suggetions of actvites that have worked for you would be greatfully appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
- 8 replies
Hi all, does anyone know any good websites where I could buy a good sized puppet that has a squeaker?? I've found some super ones in my catalogue but want to try and find the best price as they are so expensive. thankyou Catherine
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 5 replies
I've had a parent who has told me I am 'infringing his parental right' to not let him see what his ex partner has written on a child intial profile form (basically information about the child which will help us settle him into preschool - ther is a section for peoepl important to your child). I have given him the opportunity to complete one himself. He has told me what he thinks is on it. He appears to have an issue with his ex partner's new partner and I feel he is trying to draw the setting into the situation. Any advise please. SmileS
African Drumming
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi! Just wondering if any schools have had an African drumming workshop? We had one for our theme week a few years ago, but can't remember any contact names, addresses? Thanks.
Threshold Application
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi there, I' m going to go threshold this year - and was hoping to start making a few notes as i go through the year so i don't feel harrassed at the end of the year! Anyone been through it in the last couple of years that would be willing to share? Much appreciated Sarah
Maths Displays
by Guest Dee- 5 replies
Hi there All Need some help as I have a mind block. I need to do a maths display but am not sure what to do. The reception class next door has done one on colour and shape so I would like to do something different but can't think of anything quick and effective.....any ideas ?
Mathematical Development Action
by Guest- 12 replies
This was one of the actions from my nursery's last Ofsted: Make sure that children are actively encouraged to take part in a good range of activities which support mathematical development. I want to deliver some training on this to my pre-school team. Any ideas on where to start or what to include? I want it to be full of handy, user friendly ideas, for incorporating maths into all aspects of the day, and taking opportunity of spontaneous things that arise; rather than focus on planned activities - as my staff are fine with these.
Height Chart
by Guest- 6 replies
Help just threw the old height chart away in our numeracy room and thought would get a new one from ELC but they dont make them anymore. Went to WHSmiths - none. Just need one with nice pictures on and centimetres down side. Anyone know where can get one or dowmload one. Thanks.
Tesco Bargain !
by Guest tinkerbell- 2 replies
Just bought an alphabet frieze from tesco for 98p! it has a dry wipe surface and children can write Aa on line etc it has 6 pens and 2 pages of stickers (the pictures on the frieze) Tinkerbellx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
Too Much Literacy And Numeracy?
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi everyone just recently joined and ready to have a moan. I have been teaching foundation for 5 years and have been in charge of the lea nursery for 3 years. Just would like to know how much time people spend on literacy and numeracy. we have just had lea in the main school who have made suggestions that things are not quite right in these areas (tried to tell them about the area and how many of our children come to school with lots of problems but apparently children are much more capable than 5 years ago!!!) Head wants changes made in reception which will filter down to the nursery I am sure. At the moment in literacy we probably do more than we should, not sure how I…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846,