School Curriculum and General issues
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Letter Formation - Which Order?
by Guest- 21 replies
Hello all I am new to forum and wondering if anyone can help me? I am a reception teacher and have always used a mix of JP and Playing with sounds. I will now be using JP (for multi-sensory) and Letters and Sounds for order. Letters and Sounds suggest writing each letter (i think) as the children learn them - so they will be writing s a t p in the first week? this is only possible with a large class for them all to write at the same time (thus more mistakes occuring) - how is anyone else approaching this? also, I used to teach the letters with same direction first e.g. c a o d etc. Not sure what do do!!!! Hoping anyone can enlighten me???
Introducing Rules
by Guest- 2 replies
I would love to hear how others introduce class rules
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Structure Of Day-help!
by Guest- 11 replies
Hello all! I was an NQT in reception last year...I had no experience of Early Years and was in a single form entry school. I found out what I could but the head teacher insisted that I did a Numeracy and Literacy hour in morning with Topic work in afternoon. We have a new head teacher starting in September so I am keen to do reception properly this year but now I find that I am stuck in the thought processes of last year! I don't know how to structure my I do whole class input on, for example, a new sound in the morning and ensure whole class has done activity on this by end of day? I'm afraid I used to have 2 groups with adult and the rest choosing somethi…
Solitary Play
by Guest- 4 replies
I have a child coming into class in September who has emotional/behavioural problems. Nursery said one thing that worked was a quiet table for just one child to go to with an activity on. The child would choose to go to this table sometimes as a self-chosen 'time out/chill time'. I thought we'd give this a go, but am now wondering what sort or things I could put out - obviously it's not easy planning this cold, as we don't really know what makes her 'tick', but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas - or has used this strategy themselves. Initial thoughts are - small world toys, natural objects like shells in a tray. I could do with a bank of ideas that we could …
- 3 replies
Are there any Reception job sharers out there? I am very lucky to be sharing my new class with another teacher from September and would be interested in anyone elses ideas/experience in how they managed the sharing of curriculum activities etc. Thanks
Self Registration
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Does anyone have any ideas on Self registration for 2 and 3 olds, I thought about having Mr Men, where the children could choose a Mr men or little Miss and then add their name to it. Any other ideas would be greatfully appreciated. Thanks
Waterproof Trousers
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, Just wondered whether anyone knows where I can get good quality waterproof trousers at a reasonable price. We've managed to secure funding so that we can buy tousers for all Nursery and Reception so that we can spend as much time outdoors as possible! Thanks Helen
- 23 replies
You might like to look at these resources;branch=14#14
Nns Unit Plans For Reception
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Does anyone still have a copy of the old unit plans for numeracy for reception??? Thanks guys x
- 2 replies
Hi, I am wondering how much the EYOD is becoming a part of the reception focus out there - it is the targets for the % of children achieving 6+ in PSED and CLLD(among a few other targets like how much the gap is reduced between the lowest achievers and the higher achievers etc) that the LA has to set for itself and which is focusing a lot of my work currently in schools. There is no requirement however for schools to set targets officially in the way that KS1 and 2 have to. The LA has to set them and submit them to the DCSF for approval and later checking if we meet them or not!! (I'm hopeful we have as our raw results appear to have improved this year I'm pleased to say)…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,