School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Playground Buddies
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Has anyone got experience of setting up a buddy scheme in their school? Does anyone have any advice about what to include for training buddies? Any pitfalls to avoid or issues to clarify from the start? Any advice greatly appreciated, please. I found a book "Primary Playground Buddies Toolkit" but the publishers are closed until September and I haven't been able to find it in stock anywhere. If anyone has used this book, is it as good as it looks? Thanks in advance, Louise.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Worksheets 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
We had been told previously that we were not to use worksheets with the 3/4 year olds in our Pre-School. However, my son who goes to an 'Outstanding' school and who is now in Reception uses work sheets every day to practice his letters - work sheet has picture with letter and word underneath. Would it be OK if I put a few worksheets out on our literacy table for the children to use if they wanted to. A staff member would then be able to encourage the child to trace the letter, colour in the picture and practice phonics with them.
How Many Tables?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi, this probably sounds like a really stupid question, but how many tables do you have in your classroom? I have had to move into a small classroom until March whilst an extension is built onto my old classroom, but I'm really struggling for space. We will have 16 children and 3 adults (one child is statemented and needs constant 1:1 support). So far I have fitted in computers, listening centre and light box, quiet reading area, role play, a small space for construction/small world, a tray for either sand or water (we will have to alternate) and a small table to seat four for dough/sticking/messy activities etc. The trouble is the room already looks really full, and I on…
How Do You Approach......
by Guest- 9 replies
handwriting i.e when do you do it?, how long do you spend on it?, hat kind of activities do you do? do children practice in formal handwriting books? I feel we never really approach it correctly. Many thanks Lola
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7441, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I am currently in my second year of teaching and have changed schools. At my new school I have been told that all the teachers have a parents evening where we discuss routines, curriculum and reading. I will be teaching reception. Last year I taught Reception/ Y1 and found the hardest and most difficult part of teaching was dealing with parents. I just felt like parents thought I was young and I was so scared of confrontational parents. Last year the former reception teacher led the new parents evening and I was ok with that but the thought of this parents evening in September fills me with dread! I'm already panicking! I believe I am a good teacher but I struggle…
Name For Class
by Guest- 17 replies
hi i need some help, i have to choose a new name for my new class, it has to be an animal, there are so many to choose, cant have some of the names already chosen for obvious reasons, can i have some suggetions, want something interesting. cheers
- 11 replies
Hello Does anyone out there successfully run CIP in Year 1? If so do you do it all year? part year, just a few weeks? We are trying to ease the transition from Rec (where it happens successfully every dayand know the benefits but need to hear some real life success stories from others to convince the year 1 colleagues it is not just some mad idea we have dreamed up!! Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7441, -
Non Topic Based Planning
by Guest- 4 replies
As the EYFS seems to be advocating this I having been looking at some threads on it and Nottingham seems to be at the forefront of planning this way. I was wondering if anyone in Nottingham had any information about this. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Top Tips.
by Guest Reb3- 12 replies
Hope your final days with your classes are going well (Mine are off the wall!!) & you're looking forward to a well earned break. I've been a Year Two teacher for 7 years and in September will be moving to Reception. I'm really excited by the move and loved my 2 induction days with my new class but as the Summer holidays approach a dgree of fear is starting to set in as I think about getting me head around a new way of teaching, planning & just what to do with my class to help them settle and give them the best. Any top tips would be greatly appreciated, things you wish you'd known when you started out, good places to look on this site, handy activities…
Coordinator File
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi there, our early years coordinator file is out of date and our new head wants me to put one together, please can anyone advice the layout and contents I should have in so I can get it started over the holidays? cheers everyone