School Curriculum and General issues
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Creative Area Flooring
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, Apologies if this is not in the right place - wasn't sure where to put it! We are redeveloping a large section of the classroom to revamp our messy and creative area. The room has the most pointless amount of hard flooring so I want to get a vinyl/wipe clean mat for the floor. I am thinking of something fairly heavy duty, ideally with those heavy slightly-sloped edges so that the edges or corners don't curl up. Maybe about 6-8 square metres? Does anyone (a) know the sort of thing I mean and (B) know where I could find such a thing?! Thanks in advance!
Castles, princess and knight addition and subtraction songs
by Guest lou73- 1 reply
Hello i was wondering if anyone out there in foundation land could suggest any lovely adding or subtration songs relating to 'who lives in the castle'. Thanks Lou
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
interactive activity year 1
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello hope you are all having a good term hopefully it will be better weather,(well we can dream) I need to do a 20 min activity with a mixed ability group of 4 year one children. I am hoping to do an interactive one that gets them moving and involved. The theme is spring/Easter, can I ask if anyone has a good activity that they would recommend thank you so much. xx Killowengirl
Behaviour management strategies
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Any one got any good suggestions for carpet games/strategies to maintain attention during class times. I find my children are very easily distracted and I feel like I am a broken record asking them to be "sensible on the carpet" during short "in between sessions" eg after tidy up time and before dinner, coming back into class after playtimes etc. any little tips?
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
I'm asking this out of curiosity!! I've observed recently that whenever someone asks for help here about having an observation it is pretty much teachers in the school sector, both nursery and reception. As teachers, observation by seniors and by peers is pretty standard practice and is in part for CPD as well as performance management,and to determine the teaching and learning profile of the school (ie lots of "requires improvements" in the school's profile would seriously hamper a schools capacity to get a better outcome in an ofsted). It can also be because the teacher is an NQT or in the case of several people I have supported in my career because of capabilty pro…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19733, -
- 6 replies
Hi, Just wondered how others interpret the phrase 'structured play'? Thanks, Green Hippo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562, -
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi there - Just a general question really, have any of you had any experience of being an Eco-Schools Co-ordinator for your setting and if so, how did you run it alongside your teaching responsibilities ? I'm an NQT in Reception (P/T) and have been handed the responsibility as I do have a genuine interest in this. The school have been running an Eco programme but the original teacher has taken on other responsibilities so handed it over to me. I just don't seem to be able to get going with it. The bottom line is time (isn't it always) and I don't want to use my days off to do this. If anyone can offer suggestions as to how they have done this or how they would do this in …
Observation Mothers Day Theme
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi All, I'm being observed in school next week teaching maths and I am in need of some inspiration! The focus of the lesson is to see how the more able children are being challenged. As we are preparing for mothers day next week I would like to tie that in to my lesson. Your thoughts and opinions are much appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Anyone got any links to any good research that suggests that weapon play is a good thing and should not be discouraged? I just need some back up as I'm getting it in the neck that I let the boys make guns and actually encourage it!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 3 replies
Hi I'm looking for some new ideas to try to support my year 1 children who know the sounds made by each of the digraphs when just shown the digraph, but still sound out the individual letters rather than instantly 'seeing' the digraph when they come across them in words. Any strategies would be much appreciated.