School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Ambitious Words Yr1
by Guest tinkerbell- 4 replies
Can anyone suggest a list of words that could be made and laminated for my year1 ? Or better still where I can find some already made!! Year2 teachers must need something like this? Tinkerbellx
People Who Help Us Topic Ideas
by Guest- 4 replies
Any planning to share , or ideas for my nursery class it would save ny most of Sunday!! Thanks
Threshold Application
by Guest- 4 replies
I know there have been lots of posts about this before but could someone please help - I have finally got yime to write my application and submit it but would love to see a couple of examples of ideas first if people don't mind. I know that is a bit cheeky!!! Thank you in advance. Please PM magiccastle if you can help.
- 4 replies
We've been told that we have to specify 'basic skills' on our timetables and I was wondering who else is doing this? To me pretty much everything we do is basic skills, but I think what they are after is just literacy or numeracy (the fact that the children cant toilet or feed themselves when they start seems to not matter as long as they can read). So for example our daily phonics session would be basic skills so I cant help but think that the whole of our timetable will just then say basic skills. How are others managing this one and if you are having explicit separate sessions called basic skills what exactly are doing in them? Thanks..
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Counting In 2's
by Guest- 7 replies
Has anyone got any nice ideas for counting in 2's. We are doing Noah's ark next week to help with this but wondered if anybody had any other ideas?
- 16 replies
Hi everyone, I got a call today to say I have an interview for a Reception post I applied for. The head and another teacher are visiting me next week during the afternoon. Will they want to chat to me or observe me teaching?? Please help. Thanks Rachel.
African Bag Garden
by Guest- 0 replies
Just wanted to share this idea with everyone. I sent for a 'Bag Garden Kit' and its wonderful!! Lovely for this time of year and you can choose from three different types of seed groups to grow. Its ideal for promoting cultural awareness as well as encouragiong the children to grow their own flowers and veg. Just e-mail and pay £10.00 per sack. Its a bargain!! Have fun.
Never Felt So Low About Teaching
by Guest- 21 replies
This is my 8th year of teaching - most of which year 1 and year 2. The last two years have been reception. I have been feeling like this for a while. For me all the obsession with observations collecting evidence has taken the joy out of teaching that I once had. I have constantly doubted my way of doing things in reception, which I didn't have in year one and two. I never had to do all this observation and collecting evidence in the past. You might say why not go back to year 1 or year 2, but my school is a one form entry. I love my class and the things we do, but the assessment procedures have really taken its toll on me. I really don't think I have done my assessments…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
How Do You Access The Gallery?
by Guest- 5 replies
I'm struggling to access the gallery. Would really like to look at photos of display/role play areas, particularly ones to do with space. Everytime go to 'Gallery' tab an error message pops up and I'm not sure why. Any ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
The Aliens Are Coming - Author?
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, I have been doing some research on doig a Space topic next half term. I can see people have recommended 'The Aliens are coming'. I have put this into Amazon but nothing has come up. Does anybody happen to know who the author is? If anyone can help I'd be really grateful.