School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Animals - Real And Imaginary
by Guest- 1 reply
any cross curricular planning for "animals - real and imaginary"? If so please could you share it with me.
Transition To Year 1
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all I as just wondering what you do to ease transition from Foundatio into year 1. Previously we have just had a class swap day in July where children go and spend the afternoon with their new teacher. We are wanting to do more this year and was just wondering at you do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Communicating Matters 2
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, Has anyone done module 2 of Communicating Matters yet? If so could you tell me a bit about it?
- 1 reply
Hi, am using to widgit software to make some visual behavioural prompts for one of my children. The prompt I am trying to create is be gentle but the symbol produced for this doesn't show any logical connection to the text. Does anyone have any suggestions either for what I could type in to get an appropriate symbol thanks bb
Child Initiated Learning
by Guest tabithawebb- 14 replies
I am a newly returning teacher and completely new to this site, my first posting. I am finding it hard to understand exactly how child initiated learning should work. The phrase is clear enough but how do I plan for it? Should I do any planning? Should it be an ongoing feature in the timetable or a separate slot in the day? I feel lost and no one has any answers for my questions at school. Please share with me how you do it and any information will be helpful.
- 3 replies
Hi I am currently thinking of new ideas for making links between nursery and Reception class. Unfortunatley the nursery is at the opposite end of the school site to the reception class and I wondered if anyone had any ideas for making the N and YR work better as a team Thnks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5586, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me what maths schemes they use in key stage 1 and 2? I have been using the Collins, but find this very prescribed. any ideas.
Topic - People Who Help Us .
by Guest- 1 reply
We are about to staret a topic about ' People who help us' next half term. Has anyone got any wonderful ideas for the rising 3's in my daycare/foundation area. Or has anyone got any planning to share? Thanks, again
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
Interview Help
by Guest- 3 replies
Can anyone help, this is my first interview and I REALLY want the post. I need an all singing all dancing 15 minutes maths lesson for reception children. Anyone got any fab ideas, would be very grateful!
Simple Song About Growing.. Help?!
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi guys.. having a major brain dead moment.. i have my class assembly on thursday and am wanting to try and sing a simple song about growing.. which obviously relates to our current topic. we have plantes carrots potatoes and beans... any ideas greatly received!! ta x