School Curriculum and General issues
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- 10 replies
Help! I have to start teaching P.E. to a very boisterous reception class after Easter. Where do I start? Any suggestions? Leila
Children Still Mark Making
by Guest- 4 replies
I have a group of children who are still not forming any letters when they write. The majority of my children are now forming letters and beginning to write in sentences. However i have a group who can tell me wht they want to write but then ust make marks. They have letter cards to use to remind them what the letters look like however wew still just get a page of scribble and they are unable to tell me waht they have 'written'. Do you think i should write for them and they copy or trace? Any ideas would be very welcome!!! Lola
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8469, -
Rainforests/ Jungle- Differences?
by Guest- 3 replies
ok I know this is a silly question but could you please tell me simply the differences between a Jungle and Rainforest? I guess Rainforests is a forest and jungle out in the open? I have searched for info but would just like a simple explanation. Thanks Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 5 replies
HI there folk.. we are hoping to hold our first ever 'graduation' ceromany at the end of term (I'm sure I got the idea from here!!). We are going to make mortar boards and give the children their 'degree' (laminated certificate with a photo of 'graduate') and a bit about why they are so special. We will have a special assembly for them with the head and invite parents etc and have tea coffee too. A friend suggested inviting their new teachers and support staff to pop in as another way of getting to know them. Anybody done this before? and if so is there anything else tha you find really works? cheers all
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
Taking Turns
by Guest Really- 2 replies
I am being observed next week and I need some ideas for independent activities which require the children to take turns. Something that Reception can do by themselves perhaps in pairs. Any suggestions please?
Length Of Time For Topics
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi there, just finishing my first year in reception. The topics we have had to use this year haven't always been inspiring and looking to change for next year. Do most of you run short topics over a couple of weeks or are you doing a topic for longer, ??? Love to have an idea what other schools do. Thanks, Catriona
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 6 replies
We have a dilemma in school that is going to need to be resolved with mixed age group classes, yr1/2 or a yr2 class with a yr1 class and a mixed yr2/yr1 which would be predominantly yr1. for those of you who work in schools with vertically grouped classes which would you prefer and why?
Recent Legislation
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi my student has got an interview on wednesday for a lecturing job on a BTEC early years. She has been asked to teach a 30 minute lesson to the students about a recent legislation relating to health or early years. Has anyone got any ideas or suggestions?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
Jungle Day
by Guest- 9 replies
Does anyone have any ideas for an impromptu jungle day in YR/1. Thanks for any help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 1 reply
I really need some help. How much PE do you all do? What sorts of things do you do? I would be grateful if some of you coluld share some ideas / planning that you use for PE. I look forward to hearing from you Jo x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64,