School Curriculum and General issues
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New Literacy And Numeracy Frameworks
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi I wonder if any of you could please help me? I work in the Foundation Stage and i teach a literacy and numeracy input daily to my reception and lower ability year 1 children. In preperation for the introduction of the new frameworks we have been asked to plan some literacy and numeracy using the new framework. I have had a look at it on the net but cannot see how to translate it in to 'weekly plans'? Thank You any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated! Debs
Teaching Left And Right
by Guest- 6 replies
Could anyone tell me how they get their children to remember left and right? Is it just the old trick of holding out your hands, thumbs at right angles and looking for the L? Anyone got any other ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8235, -
Kung-fu Writing
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi everyone, Sorry to raise this one again and more to the point to be so thick, but I am struggling with this. I can get full stops (punch) and possibly even exclamation marks (jump and punch??) but I don't know how to do commas, question marks, speech marks etc. I have followed the previous posts with great interest and am really excited about starting BIG writing - I have even got the rest of the staff interested (they are going to see how I do first!), but feel I am about to fall at the first hurdle if I can't even work this out! Your help and advice would be greatly appreciated
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello again Just wondered if anyone had used, or uses any play development charts please? Also can anyone recommend a ggod book, web site etc which outlines the types of play and stages of play that children go through Many thanks x
Developing Outdoor Area
by Guest- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi, I'm wanting to develop the outdoor play area with some permanent bits and pieces. Currently we have an oval tarmac road for the bikes / trikes, a footpath and then predominantly grass. My dad made me 2 large chalkboards which are wall mounted and we also have some wooden climbing equipment. I was thinking of some tractor tyres to act as planters (apparently you can paint them?) Has anyone done something like this which they are willing to share?? Any suggestions for an outdoor sandpit? Oh and where does everyone keep their outdoor resources? I don't even have a stock cupboard so am thinking of asking for a shed!! Any help would be gratefully received!
What To Do With Activity Sheets
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi I used to work in year2 and year 1 for 6 years. Over that time I collected lots of activity sheets but not sure what to do with them now as I don't really use them in reception. To others keep some kind of archive in their attic? I just feel they take up room (at home) that I can use for current resources. what do you think? Also how much back log of planning to keep? Just love to know how others store all their resources Thank you for reading, look forward to your responses Laura
Threshold Application
by Guest- 20 replies
Has anyone filled this form in? I am trying to do it and wondered if anyone would share the sorts of things they put in each box. My mind isnt working tonight. Thanks Jo x
Post Office Role Play
by Guest tinkerbell- 7 replies
I am sure I read somewhere that the Poat Office /royal mail do a role play pack? I have been on both web sites and cant find anything I dreaming? Tinkerbell
Health Eating Scheme
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Everyone I currently run a pre-school and am studying for my NVQ level 4. (Buckling under the workload but just holding on - not to mention 3 children and house and husband to look after!!!!) Anyway I am doing an assignment on healthy lifestyles with children. As part of this I need to research and implement a healthy eating scheme. This is something I had been trying to do anyway. So far have only found one scheme run by the NHS. It lasts for 7 years and lots of schools have it. However ringing and registering to take part have not been succesful, just keep being told my details are on file but nothing happens. Has anyone else participated in or can recomm…
Dance /brain Gym Scheme?
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi everyone I am new to all this! Does anyone know of a dance/ brain gym type of scheme? I have heard of one called meaningful moves or meaningful movement or something like that!!! Any suggestions?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,