School Curriculum and General issues
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- 9 replies
When modelling writing for children do you model at the stage at which they are writing emergently? So for children who are writing individual sounds, usually initial, you model that or do you expand it??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1012, -
by Guest- 5 replies
I have problems with this and some members of staff. One spoke to a parent about a rumour that was being circulated in and around school. Another member of staff was concerned and reported this to me. I spoke to the staff member in question who admitted doing so - but pointed out that the parent was known socially. I said that it was a breach of confidentiality and passed it out to SMT to deal with. I feel so terrible, but I had to do this, didn't I? Anyone else been in this awful position?
Number Formation Rhymes
by Guest- 11 replies
I was working with a supply teacher last term who had some lovely little rhymes to help children to remember how to write each number but I never got round to asking her what they were or writing them down and no I can't remember them!- does anyone know of any?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 4 replies
How much cornflour do you need to make a mixture for "finger painting" with? Do you use shaving foam for this sort of pre writing activity and how far does a can go? Where is the best/ cheapest place to but it from?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Outdoor Play Solutions - Anyone!?
by Guest- 3 replies
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as how we can improve our outdoor provision- we have no secure outside area other than the playground and a small covered area just outside my room -therefore if we set up any outdoor play activites all the equipment has to be put away at the end of any session because of playtimes and all the other children playing with it. We also are unable to leave anything out over night as our local teenagers seem to think it's fun to wreck everything!- So at the moment we have planned in a couple of sessions where we all play outside with a variety of activities linked to the curriculum and some small group activites that the TAs will do outsi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 15 replies
Hi to all. I am an NQT and have been struggling for the past term to try to get boys to access the writing area during child initiated play times. I would be really greatfull of any ideas and suggestions. i must be blinkered in my ideas as it is always girls who head for the table whatever i put out. i am desperate for advise as i feel im letting my boys down. especially as some of them would go the whole day without putting pen to paper if it wasnt for whole class sessions when i will encourage them to the front to help me have a go at writing. yours desperately julie
by Guest- 6 replies
Would anyone mind posting a copy of their weekly timetable. Ww are wanting to change ours but are going rund in circles and getting very stuck!!!
by Guest- 9 replies
Hello I am in my second practice of training in a Reception Class. The teacher uses a system called OPAL - Organised Play and Learning. Activities are available during the week, whcih the children are allowed to do once each in OPAL sessions. They put their name on the board to indicate their choice, go away to do that activity and then the next one. After this they mark on their sheets what activities they have done. I was wondering if anyone else uses/has experienced this approach to early years education. I have never come across it and would like to find out more about it. It has been quite difficult to understand considering the training I have had so f…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest jean- 4 replies
Just thought of something else i wanted to ask. Those of you with a nursery at a primary school, do your nursery children go to assembly with the rest of the school. If so and you are a P/T nursery what do you do about the afternoon nursery who won't have the chance to go to assembly (assuming your assembly is in the AM) Jean
- 13 replies
I have heard today that Ofsted really frown upon individual reading. Anyone know anything about that?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,