School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Feelings Faces
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone know where I could find some simple pictures of faces displaying different feelings (apart from our own good old smilies!)? I could draw some myself, but am not great at drawing, so would prefer some ready-made faces! Thank you!
Supervision Of Outdoor Area
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi, we have just had a new fenced off small outdoor play area built just outside our classroom. We have doors that lead out onto the area. We have a rota for staff to be out with the children during the day, however there are some times in the week where it's not possible to put staff out for sessions. Can we still use the area to have a few children play e.g. in the sand if we can stay near the door and see the children intermittently? and how do we stand legally with supervision?
- 5 replies
Has any got any pictures of a computer and its component parts, please? I have found one on google images which would do but wondered if you have anything better! I had some nice pictures at my last school, photocopiables from "Folens IT works" but dont have any spares!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Teaching Keywords
by Guest- 3 replies
Just wondering what and how often people do specific work with teaching their children the Reception keywords? Every day, every time you read? Just curious as to what people find works best. Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6324, -
Extend More Able Children
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, I work in F2 in a school in special measures. We are in the 2nd year of inspections- I have just had the LEA inspectors in today. Everything was good, but she said i should now try to get even more out of my more able. She said activities were good but HOW can I get even more out of them?????? HELP The objectives are differentiated into 3 outcomes for every lesson- i am racking my brains and am stuck. Is there a clever person out there that can help me please???
Maths Work Sheets
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Does anyone know of a free site that has free maths work sheets for 3-5 year olds I do lots of practical work with my children, but parents like to see work sheets. Thanks Gill
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 2 replies
Hi all I have greatfully looked at and used some of your ideas to write planning on 'People who help us' for our reception classes next half term.... However as I also have 10 year 1s between two classes to plan for...I need some more help please. What would you do to incorporate KS! history, geography etc... into this area. I have planned a different focus each week and am trying to arrange outside visitors.... but any ideas greatly welcomed. Week 1 settle back into routines of school Week 2- People in school Week 3- Dentist Week 4- Ambulance/doctor Week 5- Police and Road Safety Week 6- Fire Brigade Week 7- Postman Thanks in advance L…
Practical Addition Ideas Please
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, Long time since last post but here goes! I need some new ideas for activities which encourage concept of addition also to include extending brighter children. thanks guys!
- 6 replies
Hope you can reassure me with this one...As a FSU based teacher and before when I had responsibility for Reception on their own, I have always used a variety of strategies for introducing sounds and words - jingles, sky writing, 'playing with sounds' document ideas (PIPs), Jolly Phonic actions as well as the usual flash cards. Recently I have also been experimenting with Marion's 'action words' approach too, but because the Literacy co-ordinator didn't want to know really, rather than use the actions from the site which are copyrighted I presume, As a class we thought of our own actions for the few words we have covered so far. It is working extremely well and even when t…
Help With Sef
by Guest- 7 replies
I have been asked to contribute to school's SEF. Keen to find out how filling it in has been organised in other schools. In our's the HT and DHT are doing it all at present, but have asked for a hand with parts relevant to FS. Any thoughts on things to include, useful wording and so on would be gratefully received. I always find this sort of thing a bit mind boggling Thanks AOB