School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Months Of The Year - Anyone Want?
by Guest- 5 replies
Just made some months of the year flashcards with photos in the background appropriate to that time of year - (two months per A4 landscape page so a 6 page document) If you have publisher and would like me to send you them just let me know your e-mail address
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 13 replies
Ok - need some help please !!! afternoons in Reception are sorted but we're really struggling with our morning's!! basically because we always have assembly to roughly half past 9 we are struggling to fit everything in. We currently do numeracy from half 9 till 10.10 which allows us to do some mental work and some whole class teaching on our focus of the week. This is followed by focussed group work- ( ususally one group but we need to do two really - but there's no real time if we want someone to float and support other activities) then after play we do literacy focus - some big book input and then group work - usually two groups with an adult supporting other activitie…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Polish Children
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi All Does anyone have any advice on including Polish children in nursery? We have five at present and we are expecting a few more to join us in the near future. Can anyone suggest any useful books, resources, etc. Thanks. Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
We've Had The Call! 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
Just had the call today and ofsted are on thier way!!!!! Got summoned to the staff room at breaktime - we don't usually go since we started the new unit 3 weeks ago! so knew right away what it was for!?!?!?!?!?!? They are coming in on Wed and Thurs of this week! They've picked a great time! only been FS manager for 3 weeks in a new unit and getting our first intake of FS1 children on Wed morning!!! HA HA - bring it on guys!!!! Two fellas are coming to inspect us and reading between the lines they are more 2ndry qulaified than primary or even foundation stage - so we are planning to bamboozle them with the little darlings! Needless to say we are running round like hea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Help On Eyfs
by Guest- 1 follower
- 12 replies
My head of centre went on a consultation last week where it was mentioned that the new EYFS ( I presume amended since the consultation) has been published online. However I have searched the obvious places and all I can find is the old consultation document. Anyone know if and where I can find it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495, -
School Handbook
by Guest- 0 replies
hiya, This is a dull subject but I could do with some suggestions. I have been asked to update the school handbook as part of my induction to a new job. The present one is well out of date and also a little confusing. Has anyone got a good example of a school handbook that I can look at. I have got some ideas but as it's a new job I want to impress. Thanks to anyone who can help :
Key Word Games
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi I read a post on here not so long ago and I think it was Marion and Beckyann who said they send home five action words each week to their children? We are currently sending home action words but wanted to send some ideas for parents to play games with them. I was wondering if anyone had any good simple games ideas to send home for parents to do with their children? My meeting about key words is next week and wanted to have them for then but my minds gone blank! Any help would be gratefully appreciated
- 4 replies
I am in the process of revamping our PHSE plans which are uninspiring and involve long circle time sessions and am looking for your ideas ..... firstly your favourite books with a theme that you use for stimulating ideas, discussion etc. and your thoughts on circle time, I was on a course led by Marion Dowling about thinking skills and as part of a discussion over lunch about circle time she said something that has made me rethink my own views on circle time she said she was unlikely to discuss or share her feelings just because a teddy landed on her lap! How do you plan for PHSE? Do you plan for it? Do you have circletime sessions and if so what do you use a…
Sand And Water
by Guest- 5 replies
How often do you change the activity in your sand and water tray? At the moment I plan for a different activity/resource daily. I am beginning to wonder if this is too often, as not all children get a chance to access the activity in a day. Any thoughts/suggestions would be gratefully received.
Primary Strategy
by Guest- 1 reply
- 1.2k views Oops! Should have said primary frameworks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73,