School Curriculum and General issues
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- 4 replies
Hi all I know its only the beginning of the year but we are discussiong reports again in school. It makes me mad as i spent about 6 months researching programs to feed information into to look at assessment as a whole.... but thats not liked after a one year trial.... so we are back at square 1. So my request is..... Does anyone have an end of year report format that they are willing to share either Foundation stage or KS1? My head is looking for something simple where we can tick boxes or enter levels with a limited space for comment.... any formats greatly received and will save me hours of work. Thanks in advance. I have looked in the pa…
Childs Own Planning
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me what they allow their children to do after they have finished their adult led task I thought that it was good practice to then allow the chilodren to tell the adult and say where they were going to plan in the classroom. I have been told by my head that we should direct the children to an area we want them to plan in but I feel this is not child initiated. Then at review time the children tell you what they have done/learnt. I am in a Reception class and have our advisor coming in on Friday. Help !!!!!
- 7 replies
Just wondering how people plan for sand and water - do you plan a specific focus/ theme say each day /week or leave it open for the the children to take the lead or do a mixture of both?
Different Grades T A
by Guest- 8 replies
does any one know if the higher level teaching assistant grade is equivalent to n n e b grade. the headteacher in my school thought it was higher but i disagreed as you have to do two years constant to get the n n e b and isnt it more work experience and work modules for higher grade teaching ass. hope someone can help thanks
- 11 replies
I am wondering how to split the week to ensure the children in my reception class get enough child initiated, adult initiated and adult directed learning. Can anyone help? Also when 'planning' for child initiated time apart from having a variety of resources available is there anything I should be doing? Should I be planning time for child initiated activities in my time table? Very confused! R x
Numeracy Resources
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anyone follow a scheme: In the past we have followed Number Zoo, old resource More recently I dip into lots of things Mathematical Activities for the Foundation Stage, DFES Scholastic Maths publications, etc Can anyone advise on anything else they use which might add to what we already do
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Learning Objectives/intentions
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all! me again! just thinking about planning for OFSTED next week. Should I be showing learning intentions/objectives for the child initiated activities or just show the esources that are being provided??? thanks
- 3 replies
Hi really sorry to bother you all again! Is it appropriate to have plenary's as part of Foundation Stage planning. I haven't been doing so because the way we have been working/ playing it hasn't seemed appropriate. But will OFSTED want to see that?
Help! Ofsted Are Coming.
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi every body. This is my second request in 1 week! we have just heard that OFSTED are coming on Wenesday and Thursday and I feel in a bit of a flap. I am new to reception having been teaching Year 2 for ages so things are a little strange. There are no other teachers in school with Reception experience or knowledge of Foundation Stage so I feel rather isolated. I have read lots about how Foundation Stage should operate but i am still getting my head around the how. Anyway next week my focus should be My Body. Does anybody have any tried and tested ideas that I could use. What do I need to make sure the inspectors see? Also the inspector asked our head that she would wa…
Jolly Phonic Activity Sheets
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Does anyone use these, or send them home as support for parents? They show a task and formation practise as well as the action for the sound.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,