School Curriculum and General issues
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When Do You Start Letter Formation?
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all When do you begin letter formation with your reception children. Last year we introduced it as we learnt the sound of the letter wit jolly phonic. We did it with paint, in sand, shaving foam etc.. In the last term we began to do it more 'formally' with pencil and paper. However this ear year 1 teachers have had concerns that the children we sent up had very poor handwriting. They are therefore wanting us to begin more formal letter formation now. What do you think? What do you do? Lola
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6324, -
Protective Outside Play Wear
by Guest- 16 replies
Does anybody know where I can buy some kind of overalls/coveralls for my Reception class to keep them cleaner when they play outside. The parents all complained last year that the children came home covered in mud, that their clothes and coats needed cleaning daily and the children were not fit to be seen with the parents after school. I've now had hot water installed in the classroom so we can clean them up a bit better. Is there any kind of all covering plastic apron, maybe babygro shaped that would help? Thank you very much and enjoy the rest of the holiday, Ruthanne
The Great Outdoors!
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi I am after some advice! We are going to be investing a substantial amout in the outdoor area but it will not be for a couple of months. In the meantime we have had to temporarily block a pathway (sort of ledge) because it has large holes in it. So we are left with a very uneven surface, and not a huge area. I have banned the bikes as the boys are just charging around, and until they have learnt to use them properly, we will only use them in another area. So I have a plastic sand tray, will eventually have a large one built juct above the ground so children can climb in, we have brio waterway system but with the uneven surface it goes everywhere.... we have te…
Handwritng Program
by Guest- 1 reply
Does anyone know where I can purchase a handwriting software that has Sassoon font. or a web site that does this. Thanks Gill
Introducing Makaton
by Guest- 8 replies
I've done a web search - complete waste of time! - should have come here first! I have to do a whole school assembly next week and thought that I would introduce the concept of Makaton as we have children in Reception this year who we are using Makaton with. My class won't be at the assembly as the assembly is in the afternoon and my full-time children won't have started then. Has anyone got any ideas for I can positively introduce the concept of Makaton to the whole school? The assembly needs to last about 15 minutes. Thanks in advance!
Timetable Advice Needed
by Guest- 3 replies
I'm in the process of reviewing and changing our Reception planning and although I'm not happy as yet with our timetable -don't feel i can make too many changes for the sake of upsetting everyone ( I'm new to the school) - so i just need some advice on this - currently we have a session that runs from 9.30( after we've escaped from assembly ) - 10.10. The main focus of this is MD- with about 15 minutes of some whole class number rhymes and teaching - then it's planned that a group does a focussed activity with either the TA or CT or both. Previously all the independent activities were then focussed round the MD learning objective (this felt that there were some very t…
- 1 reply
What do they do? My agency is moving into schools and wanted to know which of it's staff had experince of TA position. I havent, so wondered what their role is, and how it all differs from nursery.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Literacy Autumn Term -reception
by Guest- 5 replies
I am new to Reception having been Y2 teacher for years. I am struggling with literacy and was wondering what your Adult initiated activities look like at this time of year. I just need an idea of the sorts of tasks /activities that you might be doing. I have found loads of interesting stuff on this site. Hope you can help! We are doing 'Ourselves and Our Bodies for the remainder of this half term does anyone have good ideas of Big books? Thanks
Mathematical Development
by Guest- 2 replies
Hope someone can help. Does anybody know, besides the Numeracy Strategy there a list of hierarchical skills available anywhere for the different areas of mathematics? I've got a 'gifted' pupil in Reception who can already do addition of higher numbers,etc but need to make sure he has got all the relevant skills in place before 'stretching' him further in this area. I am aware of his needs in other areas of FS but am keen to foster his love of maths Thanks in anticipation
- 12 replies
I am interetsed in using write dance with our FS children on a regular basis. I have sent of for the FS version as we already have the other one which is more suited to KS1 I think. Id love to hear from memebsr who are using it and how you organise it. Space is a definate issue in our classrooms so I dont think we could all do it at once, and also staffing is an issue too. thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,