School Curriculum and General issues
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Role Play
by Guest- 15 replies
A quick one really, but I was just wondering how long everyone has a particular topic based role-play area set-up? Where I am about to begin teaching, they appear to have changed this weekly or fortnightly, all related to the topic for the term. eg. house, shop, travel agents. I think I will take the children's lead on this, however I do feel that there are benefits to having one thing established for a length of time for things to develop, alongside introducing new resources to enhance play etc.
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me what the government intend to do with the Sats? at the end of key stage one? I have heard that they plan to scrap them, is this true? Also where can I get the sat papers from, as I have just started to take year 2 children? (We are an English school in Spain by the way). Many thanks Gill
Does Anyone Ever Chat In The Chat Room? 1 2
by Guest tinkerbell- 47 replies
Does anyone ever ?I would like to chat , it might improve my typing skills! Tinkerbell x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Ikea Do Cheap Red Storage Boxes As Well As Blue!
by Guest tinkerbell- 11 replies
Went to Ikea yesterday and am now the proud owner of RED storage boxes at 70p each.I have loads of the blue ones so was delighted with the new sad am i? Tinkerbell
Magazines Which Do You Recommend?
by Guest tinkerbell- 4 replies
I sometimes buy Child ed if it looks interesting, because I teach r/yr1 I sometimes like articles in Nursery magazines.I dont take a subscription but was wondering if Child Ed Topics would be worth it?? Tinkerbellx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Adult Directed
by Guest- 12 replies
Help please I am very confused, Please could someone explain to me is Child Initiated Activities the same as Adult Initiated. The other teacher in my year- FS_N/R who has a degree in Early Years- NQT tells me she plans her 80% child initiated time- and showed me her planning. her planning tells me exactly what is going in the sand, water, at every table, on computer, in reading area, outside, on carpet etc. So on a Friday night she decides what activity the childrne will be playing with on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (usually they are the same the whole week). I do not understand how this is Child Initiated, because although the children can choose…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Morning all The Pedagogs have added some free downloads to their site. They are factfile cards on each of their lovely characters and you can find them here here. Also there are some lovely new resources available, peg and tray labels and classroom area signs.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Be First In Line
by Guest- 8 replies
just came across this, The new framework from age 0-19. here Peggy
Pips Games Info Please
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Guys I have often seen pips games mentioned on peoples planning. We don't use these can someone tell me what they are (linked to pips testing?) and how to find them. Thanks
Multiplication Tables
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi Can anyone tell me what method they use to teach the times tables, my children are 5 years plus and I have started to teach them by rote. But this sometimes gets a little boring Any other ideas. Gill