School Curriculum and General issues
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Snack Time
by Guest- 22 replies
How do others manage snack time in a reception setting. We began by having snack tim ein groups we felt that this gave the children time to develop social skills and to engage in converstaion. This often became rowdy so we chose a topic ech day for children to discuss. However this did not really work either. We currently have a snack stop where children put their name in the box when they have had their fruit and milk. However a lot of children are now only drinking a little of their milk and then binning it and the same is happening with fruit. We cannot afford to have an adult at all times at the snack stop and are not really sure what to do to make snack time more suc…
A Frames!
by Guest- 13 replies
Pleaseeeeeeee ..... is there anybody who knows where we can get A frames - i have been looking evreywhere obviously not in the right places! Any help would be really appreciated!
by Guest- 8 replies
I have just checked the threshold website and have realised that it has to be completed by 31st August if you are doing it this year! I wondered if anyone can offer me any advice or examples of what they included in the boxes? Anyone willing to share this information will really help me out. I have been teaching for 6 years and have taught in Year One and Reception. I have had 2 successful OfSTEDS too. Would appreciate any help at all. Thanks in anticipation. Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Use Of 2 Rooms
by Guest- 20 replies
I will have use of two rooms in sept and am in the process of setting them up - 1 as a 'work' room where teacher directed things happen and smart board and circle time etc and workstations (am in a special needs school) and 1 room as the 'child initiated room'. As experienced pratacitioners in the FS do you think this is an acceptable way of running my classroom and will it work?? thanks Jo
- 4 replies
Hi all, As from Spet we will be using the SEAL's materials in our school. I know many of you are already doing this and wondered how you you used the materials in reception i.e how often and do you follow the suggested session plans in the booklets?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Music In Early Years
by Guest- 5 replies
This is a website with some music ideas and links for Early years, you may find useful
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Fs Policy
by Guest- 4 replies
Our school does not have a foundation stage policy at present. We have Ofsted looming and i want to write one over the summer break. We have 1 reception class of 45 with 2 teachers and 1 early years practitioner. Can anyone give me any advice on what i need to include or have any examples i could look at. Many thanks Lola
None Topic Based Planning
by Guest- 19 replies
ive been reading posts about none topic based planning can anyone let me no how i can set this up i really like the idea of following the child rather than being tied to a topic x jojom x
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Does anyone know where I can get hold of the books: A Hand for Spelling book 1 and 2. Amazon says it’s out of print, and I have tried other booksellers but to no avail. I don't mind if the books are second hand. Many thanks Gill
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 14 replies
This is my fourth year in reception and finding it really difficult.Felt organisation good in previous years. There are 3 practitioners and 34 children. I have grouped them to help to differentiate work but finding children at free-choice activities are noisy or off task. Two practitioners work on focus or one focus, one reading and the other on child-choice/observation. However finding that i'm not completing tasks as i need to help others. Really stressing me out. How does everyone else work it? Feel like i am continually telling children about noise but when i look at them they are all working away at something even if not what i wanted. Got ofsted coming and really wo…