School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Science Scheme
by Guest- 3 replies
PLEASE does anyone know of a good science scheme that can be used with reception with play based activities ? We use the collins books which have some lovely ideas but need some new ones for September. Thanks to all for sharing so much already hope you are surviving the last few days - if the terms over ... have a great holiday!
Foundation Stage Magazines
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all, We are wanting to subscribe to a foundation stage magazine. Our nursery currently subscribe to nursery world. We are not sure which one to go for as there are so many to choose from. What would you recommend?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Feelings Wall
by Guest- 7 replies
In my classroom i am setting up a 'feelings wall' for next term. Ideas which we have so far are * emotion flowers - children peg their name onto a flower which shows how they are feeling * photo's showing various emotions * variety of emotion story books to read hanging on the wall (its a low wall which i will be putting cushions next to) *mood music to listen to. Can anyone think of anything else which we could add to enhance the area?
Thank You Poem / Gift For Teacher
by Guest- 17 replies
As I always rave about this FSF, my daughter has asked me to pose a few questions. Her son finishes his reception year, end of term, and mum would like to make a card with a poem or verse in as a thank you to her sons male teacher, and would like some ideas for what small gift her son could give him. Do you know any suitable poems / verses? I suggested the 'unity' poem previously posted in the forum. Would love any other suggestions. Any ideas for gifts ( could even be an idea for something her son ( just 5 yrs) could make for him)? and last but not least..... What gift would you suggest for the TA's. ( I know we in preschool, although appreciatte the…
- 8 replies
hi guys, im thinking of themes to do for one off days at the holiday club, im trying to think of ones which will be new and exciting for the children; i've thought of doing a character day (fav. character dress up, read story, watch programme etc) and also an in the garden day (making scarecrows, having a picnic, gardening, making flowers, water games, den building) and i thought of doing a chinese day with all the regular bits and peices. Does anyone have any other suggestions? The children are 3-14yrs. Anything would be greatly appreciated, we need to make an impact on new children to make them regular users, and current users to encourage them to stay, and use th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Listening Games
by Guest- 6 replies
I am keen to spend time in the first term developing listening skills. Does anyone know any good listening games
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 14 replies
Blimey it's hot!! i have a class of 26 reception children who are rapidly wilitng in the heat - all of end of term activities have been used up this week in the heat and i have nada for tomorrow or thurs - any ideas of class activities that do not involve too much moving around - or choice as the children cannot cope with either of these!! and neither can i!! Thanks!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Just wondering what topics you do over a 2 Year Cycle in a FSU. Cycle 1 Autumn 1 Little Bear(Durham Baseline) Ourselves Autumn Divali Hallowe’en Autumn 2 Toys and Shiny Things Guy Fawkes Festivals of Light Christmas Spring 1 Our home/School Winter Chinese New Year Shrove Tuesday Carnival Spring 2 New Life Spring Easter Summer 1 Out and About People Who Help Us Environment Summer 2 Things that move Journeys Holidays Christenings Weddings Birthdays Summer Cycle 2 Autumn 1 Little Bear Ourselves Autumn Divali Hallowe’en Autumn 2 Festivals Colour/Light/Sound Guy Fawkes Festivals of Light Christmas Spring 1 Open to su…
Constuction Kit - Building Blocks
by Guest- 6 replies
I have seen a set of blocks on a video recently, that look really interesting. It might have been a festivals video, not sure? The blocks were being used to construct models of mosques - I think the set included blue and gold 3D shapes to make different parts of the mosque. Does anyone have the faintest idea what I am talking about? If you do, where can I buy sets from? Please help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Cursive Writing
by Guest- 3 replies
I have an International school here in Spain, we follow the National Curriculum. I have just finished our term here where I taught Reception children. One little girl has just left to go back to England; she has just started a new school there. The little girls best friends mother informed me that her new school think her reading and maths are excellent but her writing is behind, as they teach cursive writing from the start. We teach our students here to print from nursery age, and then they go on to cursive writing in year 1. All my Reception students are writing quiet well. Please help I am in a real quandary here.