School Curriculum and General issues
3,793 topics in this forum
Early Learning Goals Online
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone know of a website where i can access the Early Learning Goals to copy and paste into a document. I know there is the national curriculum online but not sure about the foundation stage curriculum
Famous Artist For Reception
by Guest- 25 replies
Next year we have been asked to choose a different artist for each year group. These artists will be used for a Art Week where we will look at the artists life and look at their work and use as inspiration for our own art work. Another teacher beat me to Van Gogh and the other artists that were mentioned don't exactly fill me with inspiration. I've eventually opted for Jackson Pollock - just because some of his works of art look suitable large scale and messy and therefore achieveable - though most of it looks pretty naff to me (sorry Pollock ). I had thought of Mondrian, blocks of colour and possible to do on the computer, but not sure how much further I coul…
Magnetic Reception Keywords
by Guest- 3 replies
can anyone tell me where I can get hold of magnetic keywords large enough to use with whole class. I am using my own home made laminated with magnetic strip - they have lasted well but need replacing. thanks : Sorry should have posted this in curr. and gen. it's the heat I can't sleep and obviously not thinking either
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Sassoon Font
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anyone point me in the right direction to download Sassoon Infant Primary font for free.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 13 replies
Just after an update. Who is using it in their schools and how do you rate it? Also is it being used from FS to Year 6? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 7 replies
I am to attaend a meeting on the new early years foundation stage tomorrow. Does anyone know much about this? Apparently they want our views and comments - araghh!
Listening Area
by Guest- 7 replies
HI everyone, hope you are not too exhausted at this busy time of year. TWO weeks to go and counting!! In the meantime, I have a question. I have recently set up a listening area in my classroom and need to find CD's or tapes with books. I have looked through the educational catalogues at school but cant seem to find any. Does anyone know where I can get hold of any? otherwise I shall have to go to borders or WHSmiths I suppose?! thanks
Group Names
by Guest Really- 8 replies
Well it was end of term for us today - can't wait to have a lie in without worrying about what I haven't done! Anyway, already thinking of Reception group names and have searched the forum for ideas. I really like the book title theme and people have suggested: The Hungry Caterpillars The Elmers The Gruffalos I am struggling for a 4th - it was suggested on previous posts 'The Wild Things' but I don't fancy that one. Any suggestions on what I could use? Have looked through my book collection but can't come up with one. I am going to go and put my feet up and enjoy my tonne of chocs!
Packs For New Children?
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi im a reception teacher and just wondering if any one sends out packs for the CHILDREN who will be starting in september? I thought it may be a nice idea but unsure of what to include? does anyone do this who wouldn't mind sharing their ideas? thanks x
Letter Formation And Jolly Phonics
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all, When you introduce new sounds with jolly phonics do you also practise the letter formation for that sound. If so do yoiu judt do it with air writing or actual pens and whiteboards etc.. or do you leave more formal letter formation for the Summer term?