School Curriculum and General issues
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by Guest- 4 replies
Hello there Have been asked by the head to write a manifesto for the New Unit that we are starting in Sept - she suggested things like all children to be happy all children to have access to a school outing etc.... we've thought of a few brief ideas anyone any others - my brain hurts - been planning unit things all day Thanks Sarah xoxox
Jolly Jingles
by Guest- 4 replies
Someone has run off with the Jolly Jingle book at school !!! I'm trying to put together a pack of phonic activities for two new NQTs to my year group next year (!) and can't find the jingles to go with the jolly phonics stuff! Can any of you post them on here PLEASE!! Am away for most of the summer and wanted to get way ahead!!! Thanks! xxx
- 6 replies
Hi - I've been asked to post this query to assist with a newspaper article. Any views from reception teachers welcomed, and I'll pass them on!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Advice Please
by Guest- 8 replies
Not at all sure this is the right place for this post, but here goes. I was approached by our head at the end of school today to ask my opinion on our local playgroup moving onto school premises. (we knew it was being talked about) - she is now apparantly planning for playgroup to move into our current Foundation Stage classroom, them to move up into what is at present a 'spare room' (much less wet area, no access to outdoor provision) etc. We had planned (with her!) for Y1 to be in 'spare classroom' to share access to Continous provision & outdoor area as part of our transition work. I just feel like we've planned a good basis for transition to start in Sept …
Assessment For Learning
by Guest- 6 replies
We have recently had a learning walk by the SMT and as a result they have 'suggested' read implied that we need to have some form of evidence to show the childrens reflection of thier OWN learning. I can see the point of it (?) but am lacking of ideas and how to manage it. they have suggested that the children have a workbook where they record any major discoveries in they child initiated play = how would anyone else go about recording this - we are still in the planning stage so will welcome ANY ideas at all Thanks - much appreciated Sarah xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi guys We are planning this week for our first term back after Summer. Does anyone have some interesting and fun ideas for the topic of Bears?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
End Of Year Assembly
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi me again calling upon your expert knowledge! I teach reception and next thursday we have to do a class assembly to the whole of KS1 and our children's parents!! our topic is change but I wanted to link it in some how to a celebration of the year and looking forward to our new school year? I was thinking of showing photos on whiteboard of how we have changed and what we have learnt but was wondering if any1 has already done an assembly at end of term who has any ideas - my mind is blank - normally wouldn't mind but parents are watching!! Thanks Kat x
by Guest- 10 replies
Help, Thanks to everyone for there advise earlier in the week. In re;ation to our SEF where we say 'our children join us below average, esp in CLL, PSE, CREATIVE' they want to know how we know. i am ready to say that we are in an area of high deprivation with many under educated parents etc. i can also say that our children come to us from a variety of setting inc home, play group, private day care and nursey schools and so there is a wide variety of backgrounds adn expereiences. in the early weeks we carry out a school profile of basic skills such painting, colourig, colur rec, using scissors, writing name, rec numbers, handling books etc. I then assess th…
Reception/year 1 Mixed Class
by Guest- 0 replies
Please help! I am a reception class teacher but due to falling rolls will be teaching reception and Year 1 in September. I am keeping half of my current class so can't re use my Foundation stage topics. My school is adopting a 2 year rolling programme so my class and the mixed Year 1/2 class have to follow the Year 2 QCA programme for foundation subjects - history, geography etc. Does anyone have any experience of this or any advice of how to adapt this for my new reception children? Literacy and numeracy are not a problem.
Investors In Pupils
by Guest- 1 reply
Anybody have any weird and wonderful ideas for an investors in pupils display for a reception classroom? The wackier the better! Thanks xxx